Do you guys play any online? Want someone to take bullets for you ?
Jep, I play CTI, TacBF and just started having a go on Hi,A3.
Do you guys play any online? Want someone to take bullets for you ?
Anyone online at the minute? Looking for someone to play with - any mode but Altis Life!
find me on steam by the name 'sparr0w'
Just finished a mammoth CTI session. Might be on later though!
Didn't happen to be EUTW EU#4 did it? Went on there myself and was a good mission. Not played a CTI mission all the way through (and still haven't!) but I got to grips with most of it. BLUFOR lost.
It was on #4. OpFor had a horrendous start and I thought we were done for but we somehow managed to swing it back into our favor!
Anyone up for a game tonight? The Mrs is working
I'm on mission 5 (can't remember its name - the one with UAV control) of the Win campaign and its great fun! I've throoughly enjoyed the whole Win episode so far.. why couldn't the first two episodes be like this? Less talking from some Eastern European and more good old action.
Noticed last night that none of my mods were working Got CBA and 2 others now working.. such a numpty, I'd set the shortcut parameters completely wrong.
Hey guys, does this game still run like **** in MP? Don't tell me unoptimised server jada jada, 17fps sucks.
I'll be on for some CTI no doubt later tonight
Well let me tell you a little story;
I took the quad and headed back towards where the A10 supposedly crashed, couldn't find it so headed back to the dome, killed a few guys and stole some medi kits to keep me alive. Then headed down south towards Palos, where I encountered 3 stranded guys that I took onboard. Killed a squad to their West and then went in search of a vehicle (quad got totalled). That saw me head back N/NE towards the air strip on the salt lake but no luck so started to head towards Loaninna and the petrol station NW of the salt lake. THis is where I encountered a stupidly accurate squad of 4 guys who obliterated my squad and then me
So to answer your question mate, I haven't had chance yet to choose - but I was ultimately heading for the heliapad up North.
I also had a radio call from is it Niko? down south near Kalochori I think it was, did you go down there?
Superb atmosphere on that mission.. I'm off to have another crack! It's tempting me back in making a mission
I honestly can't remember how I escaped now!
On a different note, as an ex forces combat medic this is a very, very interesting thing to see Bohemia/ICRC doing.
I'm not sure if I could come up with anything good enough to win that but to be honest I would volunteer to go out for a week with them anyway.
Edit - Although I guess I could submit this