A question for the arma3 players on here regarding hardware upgrades!
Having upgraded my machine to play A2 a few years ago I never reckoned that I would be able to run A3 with any playability until a friend recently suggested that I get it and try as he didn't see that much of a speed difference from A2 to A3.
So my specs are: -
i3-530 @4.2ghz
8Gb DDR3
GTX260 core 216 (overclocked to something close to gtx280 speeds I think)
This ran A2 pretty well and I was more than happy enough with the framerates (I'm not chasing the fabled 60fps, I am happy as long as it doesn't dip much below 30-35fps). I bought A3 and installed it and after a bit of research and the standard tweaks I can now run it at 25-50 fps @1680x1050, high textures, the rest as standard and all AA off.
I am potentially looking at future hardware upgrade path on an absolute shoe string as I don't have much dispoable income at this present time. I would like to be able to achieve 35-40 fps minimum at 1080p with most settings at high.
GPU wise I am hoping to pick up a second hand gtx660 when I can afford it. Currently the 260 is typically running at 90-100% load with most of the vram utilised. The 660 by all accounts performs well in a3, uses less power and is physically smaller than the 260.
CPU wise I can only really upgrade to an 1156 quadcore, an i7 would be ideal but if I can't get it running at 4+ ghz would I be starting to lose performance. I'm not sure that A3 really utilises more than the two cores I have now, I understand that the i7 has double the cache which would improve things but would it make up for a deficit in clock cycles?
Realistically I can only afford to upgrade one of the two and my thoughts are leaning towards the gpu but would I end up being severly bottlenecked by the i3?
Would appreciate any thoughts
Anyone got a gtx660 could test/buy?
Fairly low fps aside (although I am impressed that is running as well as it is) I am loving the new version, particularly liking the helos, the freetrack setup and warthog hotas make them all the more satisfying to fly!