Wonder if the British forces will be in it?
Wonder if the British forces will be in it?
I was not happy with Arma 2 for stupid reasons. I will be giving this a shot though.
Hopefully wont sell it within the first week again.
The graphics are sure to be immense if nothing else.
I still don't get why the RAH-66 is there.
What reasons? If you don't like A2 doubt you'll like 3, every iteration of the game plays pretty much the same. Which is good for me.
Although from current screens not much has changed gfx wise. (yet).
It was the movement, controls, and the whole menu interface that just turned me off from the word go.
Yes, perhaps I should have given it more of a chance. Especially as it seems like my perfect game. But to be honest, I expect the basics to be done to standard when I pay £30 for a game.
Maybe I was just too used to everything just working perfectly (COD)
I remember it being quite annoying and difficuilt to change a control to a preferred key. I also remember not being able to jump, or find it in the controls menu (Can you jump on Arma?). And ofcourse, the muzzle flash.
You cannot jump on Arma. It is a milsim not an arcade game, this mistake is deliberate lol
Then this isn't the game at all for you, just mentioning COD in relation to ArmA just makes me ache. The whole point is versatility and not being able to just play like an everyday brainless shooter like COD.
I don't think ArmA3 will change a single bit in that respect, it hasn't in 10 years iirc.
The pace of the game is slower, that's why the controls work like they do, it's built down from software the military uses. Never had issues with the controls or editing them myself, there are very little actually used when you do play. Also jumping? You try jumping like a loon wearing all that gear!
Also, if you can't jump, how do you get over obstacles? Is there an animated movement to climb over/on to things or?
Wonder if it'll be playable unlike arma 2 which is a complete dog of a game.