***ArmA 3 Thread***

Guys I run in to a problem. I was running around the ocuk server and the game crashed. Now I cannot for the life of me join that server, the game just crashes to desktop as soon as the map loads. I can choose a starting position etc and then bam, back to windows.

Any ideas? Maybe some cache or something I can clear?

Also after a crash I have to restart the pc before even the game will load without crashing. Shame :/
Ok mate, thank you very much for the tip, you were right I killed a few things and it was able to mount but I'm going to recreate what it with what you suggested, thanks for your help. Your video was really really easy and simple to follow by the way.

Cool then, and thanks :3
Finally had a quick go on a wasteland server. Jumped on got shot fairly quickly. Spawned again and had a quick look in a building, someone shot at me, shot back took him down and ...... Fluph teamkilled >player name< .... nuts lol. In my defence he shot first :D
Had a quick go on the wasteland, looked like we were gearing up to attack some place then the game crashed :(

Funny moment when someone flipped a pickup after he crashed into a quad bike though.
It sucks that you can't sit in either of the two seats behind the pilot/co-pilot in the MH-9



Hopefully they make it so you can in the Beta/full game
Want to be apart of the ArmA 3 development builds? Follow these 5 simple steps:

1) Open Steam and go to your game library
2) Right click on ArmA 3 Alpha, click Properties
3) Click on the BETAS tab
4) Click on the drop down menu, choose development - Development Build
5) Click Close

Congratulations, you are now in the development build of the ArmA 3 alpha!
Want to be apart of the ArmA 3 development builds? Follow these 5 simple steps:

1) Open Steam and go to your game library
2) Right click on ArmA 3 Alpha, click Properties
3) Click on the BETAS tab
4) Click on the drop down menu, choose development - Development Build
5) Click Close

Congratulations, you are now in the development build of the ArmA 3 alpha!

Nice this mean we will get the patches first for testing etc?
In take on helicopters, you can mouse over most controls, including the radio to change music etc..

That is going to be implemented in the full game dave.
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Hi. i was thinking about this.

Can we create a casual clan of ocuk players for Arma 3? Casual as in each of us would still need to know some basics of how to work as a team etc but casual in a way that you do not have to devote your time in doing training sessions etc.

i have been in previous Arma 2 clans where you need to be doing training twice a week, take part in 2 or 3 major missions campaign and overal be very active and on time.

It is hard to devote a set time for a serious clan with work and real life stuff so i think a casual clan where people can just play together at no set time in a organised fashion.

What do you guys think? Shall we create a clan for OCUK?

here is what we need:

We need a couple who are good at making custom missions so we can play OCUK custom missions together and the rest need to be a bit serious in gaming with us ie no COD/BF style playing but proper team work, thats it.

No need to drop your real life to come and play at a set time. just come online, see if anyone else is up for a mission and start one.

Thats the idea anyway. casual but being serious in team work.

VOIP is essential as well. We need everyone to at least join TS or mumble and hear others commanding orders.

Any commanders or squad leaders NEEDS to use a mic. that is essential.

If all goes well we could have a great casual community for this game.

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