***ArmA 3 Thread***

One word


I play on MGT servers and no need for training or any of that stuff, just jump on TS and join in whatever mission is being played at that time. Check out dave_beast as he is one of the admin on the server. Lot of players on most nights until very very late :) They also run a few DayZ servers that are well worth a look.
Correct me if I am wrong dave..

Right now the mgt guys are running wasteland on their server, which right now is a very popular mission for arma 2, ported over to 3...

MBS, ie myself, Melbo cai etc are running more of a traditional arma server at the moment...

Both have their positives and negatives. Wasteland is great for a jump in and play, where as the trad arma missions are more slower and strategic...
One word


I play on MGT servers and no need for training or any of that stuff, just jump on TS and join in whatever mission is being played at that time. Check out dave_beast as he is one of the admin on the server. Lot of players on most nights until very very late :) They also run a few DayZ servers that are well worth a look.

That sounds good but is it only wasteland they do?

Correct me if I am wrong dave..

Right now the mgt guys are running wasteland on their server, which right now is a very popular mission for arma 2, ported over to 3...

MBS, ie myself, Melbo cai etc are running more of a traditional arma server at the moment...

Both have their positives and negatives. Wasteland is great for a jump in and play, where as the trad arma missions are more slower and strategic...

I like traditional arma missions that involve strategic planning and organisation. does MGT do this? if not can i join your server Marker next week?

That sounds a bit more fun. The only time I play is Wasteland for around 10 minutes before getting bored and quitting :p

It is more fun IMO as strategic custoom traditional Arma missions are amazing and dynamic
We do tend to play more of dayz or wasteland, but we tend to love to play arma missions too, and I'd like to get more into arma itself

This is basically what we were doing last night, had me, melbo, tootall, marker and Mike testing out a mission created by Melbo.

Strategy was created on the fly as we adapted to the mission and then we made some suggestions that could make the mission better etc at the end.

Good fun, there has been a slow trickle of user missions for the Alpha, most seem to be small TDM style missions. Melbo and Marker certainly seem to be creating a more traditional style mission that you play co-op.

Team Speak is:
Trying to like this...Keep telling myself that it's meant to build up the tension etc but I think I'm just kidding myself and that it's boring as f.

Like a gigolo, I'll keep pounding away at it until I enjoy myself or fall asleep through boredom.
play with us JOEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If anyone has some ideas for missions they would like to see then post them up in here then Marker and myself can see if we can do anything with them!

I'm currently working on a CO16 mission.

As for people wanting a group to play with, just join our teamspeak, enter the arma 3 channel and join the fun! We have quite a lot of missions that we run on our server so if there is one you have seen and want to try then just say! I think yesterday we had about 15 (maybe more?) guys on our TS arma 3 channel so there is always people to join in with.

Right, back to mission making!
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Trying to like this...Keep telling myself that it's meant to build up the tension etc but I think I'm just kidding myself and that it's boring as f.

Like a gigolo, I'll keep pounding away at it until I enjoy myself or fall asleep through boredom.

As is the case with Arma the true vanilla form isn't great on it's own. Once the modders/mission creators start to work out the new tools, then we will see some fantastic missons.

For example Insurgency, one of my favourite mission files from Arma 2, probably won't be playable until the whole map is opened up. As it requires lots of enterable buildings to be at it's best. With the CQC being so much better this time around, we should also see some missions created purely for that style of game mode.

We played the blitzkrieg mission last night and I didn't have much fun with it at all. Glad we ended the night with the custom co-op mission because that was a load of fun!
Trying to like this...Keep telling myself that it's meant to build up the tension etc but I think I'm just kidding myself and that it's boring as f.

Like a gigolo, I'll keep pounding away at it until I enjoy myself or fall asleep through boredom.

Shelf it for a few weeks (or months) and give it a proper shot when things are developed.

I can tell you now, if arma3 had the kind of content available that arma2 does you'd be enjoying it a lot more.

While im LOVING arma3, I wouldn't recommend it after 2 days of release in an alpha state and currently mod/script/mission-less (for the most part) to any new player.

Give it a rest, play the games you already do and come back once the community has had a chance to flex its muscle. Then you'll see its appeal. (be prepared to never play anything else ever again)
How the hell did I miss this?!?!?

So alpha is freely available? Or do you need to preorder?

You buy it for £20 now, that gives you access to Alpha, then Beta when it's out and then the full game when it's out. You don't have anything else to pay. Or else you scrounge a Lite invite off someone next week and try the single player out first to see if you like it.
anyone else having probs with the graphics all the writing is blurry very strange :(


ps on a 560 all other games are fine is a setting or something?
Melbo, if you can get a screengrab / overview of the current map that's available, I'll knock some ideas together and fire them your way for critique! May even try and get back into mission making and stick with it for Arma 3 myself!!!!! :D
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