***ArmA 3 Thread***

You mean you would be crazy not to buy it before it reaches Beta. This will be a good contender for GOTY for a £20 price tag with early axxs.

Ah yea, missed out the 'not'. :p

Beta aint until July so plenty of time to put your money down on the Alpha, reckon I'm gonna invest because it just looks too good value for money, especially with the gameplay changes that actually make it so much better than 2.

Bravo BiS, DayZ really helped you out. ;) ;)
Is deluxe version worth £15 more than the standard game ?

If I buy Alpha now for £20, I wouldn't need to pay any further money when Beta and full games are released, correct?

Got in my first chopper, flew it and crashed it within 1hr only when I was under fire :D


On another note, 35-45FPS with night vision everything on high/vhigh NO post processing.
Noticed only 40-60% GPU usage when playing online, very low CPU usage also. Playable but could run far better, my GPU clocks hang around 1060 also, should be at 1241Mhz when being pushed.

Seems something is holding back rendering, server perhaps?
Just about to take a guy out with my machine gun, he dissapears... Couldn't find him, then i see a ton of disconnections and I freeze up too :)
Is deluxe version worth £15 more than the standard game ?

If I buy Alpha now for £20, I wouldn't need to pay any further money when Beta and full games are released, correct?

no, the deluxe version isn't worth it, I'd either go with the £20 version or the supporter edition (the £60 one which comes with all dlc which is released)
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