Don't like the running bob, will make me a bit ill... hopefully head bob/sway can be turned off
You can in Arma 2 so I see no reason why not.
Don't like the running bob, will make me a bit ill... hopefully head bob/sway can be turned off
Big new engine, no doubt its related to the series so will need lots of CPU. I guess you ok with an overclock if not trying for 1080p.
They done lots of updates for Arma 2 engine and it runs far better then it used to. At one point I ran it on a Nvidia 6800
Indeed! ArmA2 was atrociously buggy on release! Hopefully this is a much more refined game when released and far better optimised! Thats what we need the most!
I keep buying these ArmA games and every time there's a lack of servers that promote teamwork and amazed how quickly the devs start working on a new title. But I get suckered in with their videos and the huge open world. I tried to join a unit once in hope I'd be part of big organized battles. I had to go into their teamspeak server and have a 30 minute recorded interview with one of their lapdogs, it was like I was applying for a job. I didn't get in anyway and that was my career over with.
The links don’t give me much reassurance that A3 is not going to be the fully modded glossier version of A2 available now, provided you have the right mods loaded. The movement in the first clip in the links above I'll ignore (BIS staff on a paint ball day out), the movement in the little run through, must be using the current movement they have for A2, the run is slightly slowed down, which came from one of the patches released, its also available in a mod that was released that also added swimming, running and action fatigue (not ACE). The buildings are much the same as the A2 ones, some of the more recent islands/maps released include ‘Aplion’ buildings, ‘MBG kill-houses’ etc these provide great models designed for close quarter type house clearances. Plus of course we have cities in A2 now not just villages and small towns..
The movement has to be right if its going to pass the bf3 test. In A2 at present I have the ‘st movement’ mod plus the ‘smk’ mod. The ‘st movement’ stops you bumping into door edges, wall etc, with your weapon whilst leaning to see out around corners etc, which was a problem early on after first release. SMK has a full range of moves that cover, climbing over high walls, throwing grenades around a corner of a wall or into a room whilst tight up against the wall, lying down (as seen in the second link) on your side and shooting beneath vehicles etc, forward roll, slides, plus evasive movements and more. ‘SLX’ mod covers some evasive moves, find cover and kill animations (stops dead ai floating in mid air, after being shot on stairs etc) so again all available now in A2.
I counted just to see how many mods I have for A2, but stopped counting at 400, this includes around 150 islands. I obviously don’t use all the mods but have a set of around 200 (this includes the 150-ish island/map mods), so around 50-ish covering different aspects of game play, weapons, vehicles, aircraft etc, etc. I make sure I keep upto date with new releases and updates as they come out, testing mods for compatibility and having to mix and match, remove or add in ‘pbo’s’ here and there makes for a good game play environment. At the mo I store my A2 mods on a 250gb portable hdd and there is under 60gb left of space, so gives you an idea of what content there is.
With the mods that are available and the newer patches (after the initial 1.60 fiasco recently), they have with the on going Beta’s, produced a really frame rate friendly game, with so many fixes and upgrades, that if you are someone who played it a while ago and have not played recently, then the current and modded A2 is almost another game (game play wise). After building in fxaa, smaa and allowing you to adjust to suit your system in the game configs, most anyone with a reasonably good system should be able to get some very decent frame rates, or at least play the game, when it first came out many couldn't.
I have looked at bf3 a lot, but I have to say the game play in Arma2 is light years ahead, far more realistic and sim like, but there again BF3 have gone completely FPS style now. The movement in A2 is nowhere near as fluid as bf3, and I think to get that fluidity they may have to draw back on some things in A3, and its which things. I disagree with a poster above that the A2 SP game is terrible, on the contrary if you include the game to the current patch and modded right, you have a unbeatable war sim. For instance ‘AI’ to many people a joke, but now, set out as just mentioned they will flank, search building, radio for assistance, call in air strikes, suppress fire on you, fall back, communicate with each other etc, etc , the list goes on, its just how you set it up
Also the ‘Editor’ is where A2 really is at its strongest imo, no other game is quite like it for that. I make missions for a small group of us A2 players, the missions run differently every time they are played.
But it is mostly down to the community having produced mods that enable this complete transformation of A2, many of which have been incorporated into A2 patches. This is going to make it hard for BIS when trying to convince the current serious players that A3 can be above and beyond that. BIS are really pushing the new underwater ability, but as I write a mod maker is working on a mod that allows you to do just that in A2. O.k. we may not have the fish etc, but who really needs them..
To round up this rambling post.. If you do the work mod wise, testing how they play together etc, it makes A2 something really special. Arma 3 has to start with all that inbuilt, it’s a massive task, if they get it right and surpass a modded A2, plus get the BF3 look, then it will be the best war/sim outright, and hard to match for many years to come. On the other hand if they get it wrong, we will just have a better looking A2. The work gone into A2 by the community is vast, I don’t think many will want to loose it all for the sake of a new title, it has to be a step forward not sideways or worse still what BF3 have done and stepped into the FPS world..
Sorry its long but if you stayed till the end, thank you.
Its just imo, that’s all..