Arr, This here be a boarding party

Forum rulz is still GAY I say. :D
Your choice, but please abide by them (I'm sure you will). As with all forums the owner sets the rules as they see fit. :)

In honor of a Battle well fought, AND won by (TPF) I am finishing her off. CHEERS to all who participated whichever side of the pond you hail from.
Good choice. I'll refer that one to our resident Whisky expert for perusal. Good that you can get it given some of the liquor laws over there.
Well, if everyone else is up for it, I'm gonna wheel out the Q6600 later on tonight and aim it squarely at Captain Pugwash's oversized derriere.

I'm tinking more radically - why not swap ALL cpu's over to this for one week - GPU and PS3 to continue folding.

After one week we'll be so far into the top 100 it will not matter or daily R@H credit drops back to 3k we've already proved our point

Frankly the gpu clients are well over 30% of our total score anyway so we're not going to slip a place or anything.

What do you all say? Short sharp shock, with the BIG spanky guns or a month of regatta?

That's what I'm talking 'bout!
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at 10 cores and counting (E6300 or above)

Rack 'em up boys and let 'em have a taste of old HMS spanky

Edit: with luck an a fair wind I should be able to match squeeks output with fewer than this 22 hosts Muhahahahahahah, hic-up Oops to much rum
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I got 18 going (not full steam) so effectively 9, been going since I said earlier in the thread whenever that was :p
10 on full-time (a few of them are old systems though). Another 2 configured but not yet active. Another 4 currently folding but could be hijacked if it gets close.
what the hell do i need to do.

Happy to give my quad over to chasing down these upstarts for a bit. Will leave my gpu folding for the time being.

Simple instructions please.
Have to say I like the new version 6 BOINC software that appeared today. Slightly annoying that I just caught the end of the older client but still, the new client is a lot easier to install as a service and more secure too it seems.
Takes me back to the days of when I used to be crunching for World Community Grid so it's a bit of nostalgia - that BOINC software hasn't changed that much. (the advanced screen anyway)
Have to say I like the new version 6 BOINC software that appeared today. Slightly annoying that I just caught the end of the older client but still, the new client is a lot easier to install as a service and more secure too it seems.

installed as a service by default - pick a project, add your e-mail user ID and pasword, job done :)
If it wasn't for the restart - it's the perfect borg install :D
Well done.

I must say this is quite the "heave ho" displayed by your team my good mates. I am particularly impressed by the teamwork displayed within these forums. I am quite interested in how this is going to turn out. My hat is off to you good fellows. Keep up the good work. I haven't had this much fun since I don't know when. Good on ya mates. Good on ya. :):)
Oh yeah, almost forgot.

Avast! Hoist the main sail! Yo-ho-ho and a bucket o' WUs! etceteraaaarrrr.

I gots me first Rosetta cobblies! All 27 of 'em! Be afraid, be very afraid... :D
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