Assange to go!

For anyone else who can't get enough of the Wikileaks dumpster fire...

Ever wondered what's going on behind closed doors at Julian Assange's pro-transparency outfit Wikileaks? Thanks to journalist Emma Best, you can now rifle through 11,000 direct, private messages sent to and from Wikileaks' Twitter account.

Best released the messages Monday, saying they came from the "Wikileaks + 10 chat," a private group for the organization's more active supporters. She claimed many of the messages contained offensive material.

"At various points in the chat, there are examples of homophobia, transphobia, ableism, sexism, racism, antisemitism and other objectionable content and language." Wikileaks hadn't responded to a request for comment at the time of publication.

More obviously, the messages show a strong Republican favoritism.


It's worth noting that Emma Best is a journalist who specialises in freedom of information: the very principle Wikileaks claims to support.

You can read the DMs here.

In related news: 'Here is what the leaked Wikileaks messages can tell us about Assange’s conspiracy theories.'
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This was around the time that Assange was trying to evade the Swedish rape case: Leaked documents reveal that Julian Assange tried to obtain a Russia visa in 2010.

The AP has confirmed the authenticity of many of the documents by running them by five former WikiLeaks associates or by verifying non-public details such as bank accounts, telephone numbers or airline tickets.

All five former associates spoke to the AP on condition of anonymity, in some cases because they didn't want their past association with WikiLeaks to become public, and in others because they feared legal retaliation or harassment from the group's supporters.

Among other things, the documents lay out Assange's campaign to avoid being arrested and extradited to Sweden over allegations that he sexually molested one woman and raped another during a trip to the Scandinavian country in August 2010.


Wikileaks has issued a carefully worded response claiming that Assange never applied for the visa or authored the letter. However, Wikileaks has not denied that a visa application was made on Assange's behalf, by the author of the letter.

Israel Shamir (a close associate of Assange) has confirmed that he was responsible for the visa application:

Shamir's memory appeared sharper during a January 20, 2011, interview with Russian News Service radio — a Moscow-based station now known as Life Zvuk, or Life Sound. Shamir said he'd personally brokered a Russian visa for Assange, but that it had come too late to rescue him from the sex crimes investigation.

The response from Wikileaks does not deny any of this.

Good article here: 'Wikileaks’ Julian Assange Reportedly Tried To Get A Russian Visa.'

Now fresh leaks unleash a new bombshell exposing further details of Assange's deep collaboration with Russia:

Russian diplomats held secret talks in London last year with people close to Julian Assange to assess whether they could help him flee the UK, the Guardian has learned. A tentative plan was devised that would have seen the WikiLeaks founder smuggled out of Ecuador’s London embassy in a diplomatic vehicle and transported to another country.

One ultimate destination, multiple sources have said, was Russia, where Assange would not be at risk of extradition to the US. The plan was abandoned after it was deemed too risky.

The operation to extract Assange was provisionally scheduled for Christmas Eve in 2017, one source claimed, and was linked to an unsuccessful attempt by Ecuador to give Assange formal diplomatic status.


The Wikileaks narrative just keeps unravelling...

It's a bit like Newton dropping the apple, look at all the science that came after that small event.

Assange was probably called a name at school or some girl gave him the fob off and over the years he evolved into this megalomaniac.
Wikileaks is in meltdown.





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Ooh, this is a doozy:

Newly released Ecuadorean government documents have laid bare an unorthodox attempt to extricate the WikiLeaks founder from his embassy hideaway in London by naming him as a political counselor to the country’s embassy in Moscow. But the 47-year-old Australian’s new career in international affairs was nipped in the bud when British authorities vetoed his diplomatic status, effectively blocking him from taking up his new post in Russia.

Last month, the AP published internal WikiLeaks files showing Assange tried to move to Russia as early as 2010.


When this story first emerged, Russia said it was fake news. Turns out it was real news after all. Oops!

Has anyone yet made the joke, "it's a shame he didn't apply for residence in the Saudi Embassy?" :p

He's an idiot.

There is only so much that the Ecuadorian government will put up with him, and he's by the sounds of it not exactly been a good guest.

He really is a self entitled criminal and fugative from justice, and he's walking on very thin ice with his hosts who one of these days are going to introduce him to Mr Door, especially if they can't get him to grasp the idea of manners and good behaviour.
You have to love the comedy that is Assange, claiming his rights are being abused when it is entirely his decision to hide away having followed legal processes in a fair country and lost over and over again.

Assange is entirely responsible for his own predicament.
Well I guess after spending all day sitting in his room on his computer he’s morphed into an introvert/almost on the spectrum manchild. That’s a cat person!

I wonder if they’ve told him to get some fresh air on the balcony at least in addition to limiting his internet and reminding him to tidy his room.
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