Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

Sat at my desk and still waiting for to send me my key. Not very amused. Just been on their site and they advertise Buy today Play today, I bought mine on the 17th.
Not helped by being buggy as hell, when you start off on the journey, I had textures flickering, fell through the floor, got chucked to the top of a mast, fell in the water next and had to reload the game a couple times. Get ridiculous corruption with AA set to max in game, on the setting below its fine.

That is exactly what I did in regards to AA.

There is a massive game stalling bug in the last part of chapter two where guards don't appear/your men don't appear and it won't let you grab a human shield.

Sort it out ubisoft.
There are already several irritating, get detected and its game over type missions, which just haven't really been fun, have been designed with really poor pathing for the AI in which to move around. Its not difficult, its near impossible to not get spotted by one guard, his patrol root seems broken as he starts off in one direction then spins around almost instantly and goes back, and in such a way that any route towards him he can see you... okay its fairly easy to kill him, and one of the optional tasks is kill no guards, with that one I simply can't find a way to not kill him and most of the time, be detected also.

The part I think you're talking about, might not be, with the human shield, maybe a cutscene decided to skip or something else happened, because I freed a prisoner, then it went to a cutscene, and from being undetected... feeling mid mission, suddenly I was in a massive fight with no indication as to how that happened. Just felt wrong, forced, and like the game is skipping through all the story/build up that made the previous stories so strong.

In an earlier part of that mission if its that(if that is the mission I'm thinking of) there is wagon part where the AI three times in a row started a fight, then just stopped with the friendly and enemy AI just stood watching each other and the mission wouldn't/couldn't move on. THere have already been, in 2 hours play max(mostly freaking stupid mission restarts and the like) been 3 missions I've had to restart to get to actually move forwards, and one multiple times.

Its ruddy badly put together, for the most part we're talking about making the engine run on windows, the scripting/ai/general code should be a snap to port over, if it works on consoles, why shouldn't it work on the PC, the thing there being, was this game as buggy on consoles and they just never fixed that either?

For bugs, gameplay more than graphical, I've not seen a game so fundamentally flawed since... Skyrim(and that was only one mission that had a major issue), before that Fallout 3 was a buggy mess, but just about workable.
I have been replaying the AC games lately on the PC as they were initially done on the 360. I was upto the mid-stages on AC:Brotherhood when I decided to jump into AC3 while it is still hot.

I have only spent about 30mins into the game so I am still with the initial character having arrived in Boston.

I am running everything on max bar AA, which I never ramp up so I'm running it on Normal. The engine is incredibly smooth on a 5ghz i7, 2GB 6970 rig. No bugs/issues encountered yet.

What I already dislike is how stupidly fluid/spiderman-like climbing is now. Whereas Ezio would grunt and show some human like grit and aggression when scaling objects, the starting character is flipping spiderman! He seemingly slides up and over objects at such speed. It feels all too easy, and simplified if you see what I mean.

What REALLY irks me, is why do they keep messing up Desmond's face? He looks like a Jimmy Hill's lovechild in this now. Looking forward to playing it properly tonight.
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my order with cjs cdkeys has been refunded today which is very annoying as i will now have to order a hard copy online and wait until monday last time i'm using that set of muppets.
How is this running for everyone?

There is a lot of bugs, A LOT! But all of them can be sorted by basically resuming from last checkpoint or restarting the memory.

So many times i've been stuck inside terrain, people not showing up, thugs spawning inside stalls etc etc.
There is a lot of bugs, A LOT! But all of them can be sorted by basically resuming from last checkpoint or restarting the memory.

So many times i've been stuck inside terrain, people not showing up, thugs spawning inside stalls etc etc.

Oh dear. I hear there is a huge patch coming very soon though. Maybe even this weekend?
Anyone with a AMD card what drivers are you runing..Im getting glitches with 12.11 beta :(

Sorted it by turning the ingame Anti Analysing down a notch
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Postman just dropped my copy on the mat, I'm tempted to start playing it altho I am 3 parts thru playing Dishonored ( which I dropped off playing GR future soldier so I could play that):rolleyes: So many game not completed :eek:
bah! amazon copy didnt arrive

i am dissapoint

I was worried mine wouldn't arrive today.

It makes me laugh, I preordered it about 3 months ago but they didnt ship it until yesterday(I have prime). Surely they could have saved themselves some money and shipped it by first class a day earlier, there was no need to send it at the last second with next day delivery.
I'm having the same problem with GMG - incredibly frustrating! They're normally bad, but not normally quite this bad. I actually got through the PayPal authorisation step and paid them, only for the site to time out and not complete the transaction. I'll take this up with their customer support, or maybe wait a few hours to see if the money gets returned to PayPal again.
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