Well, the game has opened up a bit but still feels wrong somehow, as one of the two towns I've been to roof top travel is almost pointless... wtf
Forrests, look good but ultimately, too many quick time events, with so much combat being counter>kill being a bit too easy and then anything dangerous animal wise I've come across has been a quick time event to kill them harmlessly and as usual, if a pack attack you, they do so one at a time. its just too easy.
Bugs, OMG, I said it was bad before but they just keep coming, and coming, and coming. A tutorial telling you to access a particular feature wouldn't access, wouldn't leave the menu, had to restart the game completely as couldn't even escape and reload from in game it was so stuck. Stuck in terraine, loads of missions the main characters have messed up. One thing I was following a guy right next to me and suddenly I failed the mission, as it desyncronised he suddenly fell infront of me and died, so I assume the game rather Skyrim like, fired him up into the air then dropped him but that also put him out of range and I failed the mission
Its fun, its getting more fun, but its so bug ridden its embarrassing, and gameplay wise its also very very tame. I do get that its hard to get right, how can you really have fair "swarms" of enemies in town if you can't have a good counter/parry/defence mechanic, but how can you have a fullproof defence mechanic without making it too easy.
The story has improved but it still seems very VERY disjointed compared to previous games, in the animus world anyway, after almost every mission its like "6 months later", "9 years later", "3 millenia later", aside from the other rather ridiculous thing which is having one character pick up some mail, and an entirely different person what, 20 years + later, deliver it and those people say thank you.... 20 years to get some mail, I wouldn't thank anyone for that
There are good bits, climbing in general is, not irritating, smooth and not a chore to do, but they've kind of negated the need to do so which feels almost wrong as this has been somewhat of a verticle platformer for years. The incessant need to redo the UI for every new version of the same game is ruddy irritating as well. Its far far more awkward and much slower to flick between weapons. I hate it when games get it right, then change things for the sake of change, not improvement
On the flip side, the map doesn't take 4 hours to access and get out of.
EDIT;- at this point the game also feels, simpler. As of yet I've not bumped into any, puzzle to get a piece of a video type bits, which were a really good change of pace and really quite interesting in the previous game, nor the kind of mini dungeons to find, I can't even remember what to be honest, was it those circular disc/key things in the last game? A complex platformer style section in usually underground maze type places. The game seems to lack, at this stage, the kind of variation in gameplay bits like that provided.