Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

Ah I still love me some Assassins Creed all the way since the first and through. Yes, some of the side missions/management stuff drags but they still manage the interesting little twists, easter eggs and nuggets of goodness! I love the games.
Looks like it could be really good. Ubisoft did a great job of turning a good idea but failed implementation in AC1 into a fantastic series of games.

Less of the Ubisoft bashing please.
was a bit dubious at first but gotto say, my interest has been well and truly peaked hehe. Looks good and interesting from what I can see and im probably in the minority here but im sooooo glad theyve took out the big cities. Climbing minerats repeatedly is not fun. It sounds like theyve made the free running mechanic much more fluid now which will be awesome I imagine. Kinda imagine it to be like red dead redemption (hunting, large wilderness, frontier towns, Native Americans etc) but as an assasin...sounds excellent to me.
Have they mentioned a release date? Not been my usual vulture self, due to the fact im still working on Revelations.
It does look very promising. I wonder though how long they will be able to keep Desmond out of fights. There was this short brawl with Vidic and his goons, who were wielding sticks, presumably because they needed him alive.

But now that they're coming closer to their goal, wouldn't the Templars resort to more lethal means to stop them? Desmond will probably be forced to pick up a gun at some point. I don't see the fanbase reacting well to something like that.
Jesus, the turn around times on these games now are just like call of duty. Looks like the same game just in a different setting, just like call of duty...
True ......but it is inevitable really.

But it doesn't have to be a bad thing. I'm just assuming that we won't see much gameplay with Desmond and even if we do, I can't imagine how it could be pulled off believably without making it some sort of modified Splinter Cell: Conviction.
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I lost interest after AC2. All the exciting new stuff that was promised was just the same re-hashed stuff as AC1. Amazing game but way too repetitive after you've climbed a few tall buildings and assassinated a few enemies.

If they brought it up to a modern day one then I'd get excited.

I just can't understand why this wasn't in earlier games. Unless they were avoiding copyright infringement on Thief franchise :p

For those complaining that AC2 was a re-hash of AC1, you couldn't be futher from the truth. Way, way, way more content in AC2. The following games added yet more, particularly AC:R, though in my opinion it had too much change. Bombs, Eagle Sense, and some of the control changes they made were just too much. Not massively over the top though, I still enjoyed it.
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