Assassins Creed 3: American Revolution

I loved all previous AC games, but I am just not feeling this tbh...Maybe I am just still disappointed that they didn't set the next game during the French revolution, as that would have been awesome, but I think it might lack a little bit of character in this setting. I will still no doubt get it at release though(barring potential Ubisoft shenanigans).

Another problem might be that it isn't long since I played the last one, I would be much more enthusiastic if there was a bit longer between games!

Using interiors looks interesting if they implement it throughout the game and not just in specific missions.
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Watched the vids... and this just does not seem to connect somehow.... ????
Got all the previous AC's... but........
Can't wait for this already, hopefully the gameplay footage will show some of the none believers that a change of setting isn't bad at all!

Funny thing that, I would say that the level of change makes it the first proper sequel in series. People don't like progress much these days, I guess.
Have to say I'm impressed by the gameplay but the story is giving me second thoughts, I really do hope the stuff from that trailer (LIBERTY FREEDOM 'MERICA YEAH!) is just the beginning of the story and the protagonist experiences some sort of eye opening after which he takes a neutral stance, can't say I'm looking forward to the idea of spending an entire game fighting the "Evil Oppressive Brits" especially if they are portrayed as the bad guys in terms of AC as well, mainly due to how cartoonishly evil the AC villains have been shown to be so far.

I mean I doubt that will be the case but so far I've had little to prove otherwise. I mean supposedly the main guy is a Native American, so why would he be shown fighting red coats almost exclusively?
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Wow at the ship footage. Hope its an actual thing you can choose to do when you want rather than just a scripted event like the Leonardo invention missions in the previous games.
The gameplay videos look great I especially like the running through the trees looks really fluid but the combat still looks a little easy like the previous games hope there's somemore depth to it.

Only thing I dislike is it seems very one sided against the english and I thought he was going to be impartial in the war, hope it dosen't turn out like patriot film.
I remember Tenchu back on PS1/2... That is what brought me to AC in the first place. Is there any proof this is real/fake? I really want to know more about AC3...
This looks amazing. I just can't get enough Assassins Creed. Still working my way through brotherhood - the time I complete one the next is on sale for a silly amount. I just hope they move the story on a bit more in future titles.
i wonder how different the franchise would be if they stuck to the original 3 game idea...

ah well, this one does look good and the fighting seems a lot more fluid, like you can actually hack into enemies instead of waiting for them to attack so you can counter...

also like the free-running animations for the outside areas, much better than climbing buildings all day
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