Assassin's Creed Odyssey

Apart from the fact that you are jumping on the anti-gaming practice bandwagon (most practices of which I don't like either), why shouldn't people have the option to pay more if they want early access (not that this is happening here)? It's their money. If there was a game that I really really wanted, say Elder Scrolls 6 for example, I would happily pay a lot of money to play it early (especially if it was coming out during my time off work).
There is no band wagon, I'm the first person I've seen think there is something up here so I'm guessing I'm in the minority on the subject (EDIT: Lee too, good man ;) ). The release date has been locked behind a paywall regardless of what is said man, that's fact lol. Origins was amazing and this looks even better, and the things actually included in the gold edition look amazing value, so I don't hold it against individuals for doing it. It's just a shame that despite the good value and intentions of the gold edition, it's quite clear that it had the early access 'perk' as an incentive to buy it. The game is ready to ship and play yet they are holding it back from people who did not buy the super hyper deluxe edition, watch this trend as it will begin to bleed into more aspects of games than just release date.

I don't know about Forza, not sure what it includes in its editions, but the Gold edition worked out at something like £20 more than the standard edition, which I saw as £20 extra because it included the DLC/Expansions, not because of it including a 3 day headstart, imo the extra paywall is there because you are paying in advance for the addons rather than the 3 day headstart. Frankly I would have been perfectly happy if the Gold Edition had only included the DLC/Expansions and didn't have a 3 day headstart, I still would have paid the extra money and bought the Gold edition because its the dlc/expansions included that I was after.

Likewise, if they had done a standard Enhanced edition or some such...which was the standard edition but included the DLC/Expansions, I would have bought that. The headstart was inconsequential to my purchase decision, the DLC/Expansions included was the factor.

No doubt there's value in the gold pack, but if the game is ready to play then there is no reason why the regular edition should not be available until the 5th. Other than holding the game back from those who do not wish to pay a premium. I've seen the Steam page for Odyssey where 'BUY GOLD TO PLAY EARLY' is the most advertised aspect of the gold edition, and Forza is the same. I saw an ad for it that said one thing about it's ultimate edition: 'Buy the ultimate edition now to play 4 days early'. It's a major selling point, and it's selling release dates. This is one of the first times I've seen it happen and it's already a few days, what about when it becomes weeks or months that games are being held back in favour of their gold editions? The bleed effect from this being completely accepted by the community could be massive.
No doubt there's value in the gold pack, but if the game is ready to play then there is no reason why the regular edition should not be available until the 5th. Other than holding the game back from those who do not wish to pay a premium. I've seen the Steam page for Odyssey where 'BUY GOLD TO PLAY EARLY' is the most advertised aspect of the gold edition, and Forza is the same. I saw an ad for it that said one thing about it's ultimate edition: 'Buy the ultimate edition now to play 4 days early'. It's a major selling point, and it's selling release dates. This is one of the first times I've seen it happen and it's already a few days, what about when it becomes weeks or months that games are being held back in favour of their gold editions? The bleed effect from this being completely accepted by the community could be massive.

Well like I say, I would still have bought the Gold edition (for the dlc/exp) regardless of whether it started on the 2nd or the 5th, wasn't a factor for me, so I'd be ok with whatever release date you wanted. No idea about the BUY GOLD TO PLAY EARLY thing, I never noticed it, partly because marketing mottos don't really register with me and partly because as playing early wasn't my motivation in the purchase I didn't notice it. As you rightly say, I did pay a premium but not for the headstart, for the included dlc/expansions. I could have taken or left the headstart.
Well like I say, I would still have bought the Gold edition (for the dlc/exp) regardless of whether it started on the 2nd or the 5th, wasn't a factor for me, so I'd be ok with whatever release date you wanted. No idea about the BUY GOLD TO PLAY EARLY thing, I never noticed it, partly because marketing mottos don't really register with me and partly because as playing early wasn't my motivation in the purchase I didn't notice it. As you rightly say, I did pay a premium but not for the headstart, for the included dlc/expansions. I could have taken or left the headstart.
You do you man, but if you had seen the Steam forums yesterday in regards to the early access it was manic. Steam as usual botched it up and a lot of people couldn't unpack the predownload to be able to play it yesterday, and those effected were out for blood. I hadn't seen a single post on the subject be anything other than the rantings of some loony, so I think to them the early access was quite a deal changer. Not that Ubisoft intended it to be that way though hurr hurr.
You do you man, but if you had seen the Steam forums yesterday in regards to the early access it was manic. Steam as usual botched it up and a lot of people couldn't unpack the predownload to be able to play it yesterday, and those effected were out for blood. I hadn't seen a single post on the subject be anything other than the rantings of some loony, so I think to them the early access was quite a deal changer. Not that Ubisoft intended it to be that way though hurr hurr.

Lol, makes me happy that I bought it on Uplay rather than steam ! :D
Out of curiosity did anyone here actually get it on Steam? I usually would, but I couldn't resist the 20% off. it on Uplay, the 20% off was too big a factor. Truth be told, I seem to be buying less and less off steam these days, the increasing majority of my 400 steam games are bought either direct from publisher or via third party key sites (cdkeys/voidu/kinguin).
Only managed 3 hours so far and it's okay, feels like DLC for Origins.

The main bugbear for me is performance, I get half the framerate of Origins and the colour palette is nowhere near the 'vibrancy' of the former game.

More of the same was expected and tbh that's fine by me.
I agree, Egypt had a really special charm as a setting. I miss those deserts, palm trees, temples, mythology etc. and it didn't help that it had a lot Greek influences so this one doesn't feel as fresh but it's still very beautiful and sometimes looks even better.
Also runs pretty well on a 1070 at 1440p, all I had to do was knock down clouds a notch from ultra, put shadows on high and tinker with some less visible settings.
I learnt not to take a small fishing boat into rough seas, It broke instantly and I fell in the water but upon diving I had a swarm of dolphins swim past so that was nice :)
I agree, Egypt had a really special charm as a setting. I miss those deserts, palm trees, temples, mythology etc. and it didn't help that it had a lot Greek influences so this one doesn't feel as fresh but it's still very beautiful and sometimes looks even better.
Also runs pretty well on a 1070 at 1440p, all I had to do was knock down clouds a notch from ultra, put shadows on high and tinker with some less visible settings.

Must say, if you get to the top of a high mountain in this, the views are just incredible, its definitely one thing it does have over Egypt.
Naval battles as well, I missed those. Love the atmosphere when sailing and the water looks amazing. It definitely does some things better than Origins like proper dialogue choices and faster combat.

While Egypt was special, I still enjoy this setting with its mythology and music. Two of my favourite mythologies probably, although the pyramids, tombs, oases and desolate deserts do have a slight edge so far but I've only finished Kephallonia so no idea how big and varied the map is compared to Origins. Kephallonia itself was pretty substantial and visually impressive, took me over 5 hours to complete everything.
A rapid price increase from, on Monday it was £39.99, going to order it last night and it's now £44.99
Hoping when I try it tonight with a wired controller and a restart that RB+A doesn't keep switching between windowed and full screen. So weird, can literally find nothing related to this online. Updated my drivers too, hopefully smoothed things out. Going to try everything maxed out with a 1080Ti and i7 4770K @1440p , should be interesting.
While Egypt was special, I still enjoy this setting with its mythology and music. Two of my favourite mythologies probably, although the pyramids, tombs, oases and desolate deserts do have a slight edge so far but I've only finished Kephallonia so no idea how big and varied the map is compared to Origins. Kephallonia itself was pretty substantial and visually impressive, took me over 5 hours to complete everything.

Its big...real big. I saw a map comparison video somewhere and the mapsize on Odyssey was pretty damned large compared to a lot of games. I am on 18 hours played and have literally only just finished the 3rd area in the game.
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