Assassin’s Creed Origins

Does it get not boring at a certain point? I haven't played it in a couple of to the first big city and, while it looks great, i felt like it was going nowhere and i wasn't having any fun.

Different strokes and all that.

I have never finished an AC game, always got bored of them...up until this one. This is the first AC that I just enjoyed so much that I completed it and then, after completing it, I carried on playing for many hours afterward exploring and getting 100% of the map done. 100% a game map is something I hardly ever do, I didnt even bother to 100% Witcher 3. Cant say that I was ever bored in ACO and I cannot wait for the DLC/Expansions to drop. As I say though, different tastes for different folks. Did you ever play through any of the other AC games to completion?

looking on the ubi forums seems like like lots are having problems with crashes. I thought I was fine, not very far into the game and all seemed well, BUT

When I go into the menu (playing with x360 pad) by pressing the 'back' button, if I go to the inventory section or the abilities section the game will crash straight to desktop with no warning. The map section, quest section and the others are all fine, no crashes.

What a weird bug, it's pretty much ruining the game as I can't go in the relevant in game menu sections and do what I need. Anyone else getting these crashes?

I am playing with a 360 pad and it is working ok for me. My issue is with the map not working so I can't highlight anything or fast travel anywhere. Still playable but frustrating.
Trying to play this without much luck, crash to desktop when alt + tabbing and crash to desktop when changing hz rate and graphic settings.
Trying to play this without much luck, crash to desktop when alt + tabbing and crash to desktop when changing hz rate and graphic settings.

I have exactly the same problems.

If you want to change the resolution or otherwise, just edit the config file directly.
Changed to 144hz in the config file as Kelt suggested. Seems to run fine on every thing maxed out. Guess I won't be alt tabbing in this game :P
I fixed the issue, I just closed MSI afterburner and seems to be perfectly fine now.

If you switch to borderless you can enable Afterburner. Alt-tab and changing resolution now works.
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