Can someone please explain this to me regarding this game and the anti aliasing settings. Now, we know that it doesn't describe what type of AA solutons it uses, the only settings are off, low, medium or high.
Given this and Without going into massive details, the thing that's really annoying and confusing me is that when AA is set to "off" performance and FPS is lower than with any other AA setting. About 10-15% lower!
"Low" provides the best fps, medium and high slightly worse. Low, medium and high are all terrible though as they blur the screen and textures so I'm assuming it's some form of TXAA anti aliasing. I'm currently using low but with a simple sweetFX profile adding a sharpen filter - at a really high setting of 2.10 (way higher than I would normally ever use, but it needs it). This is ok ish, but there is terrible 'ghosting' around the character when panning the camera with low aa, or medium, or high.
WTF is going on with the AA in this game? Why on earth would AA set to off have lower performance than AA low, medium or high? It makes no sense whatsoever, and I've never seen this phenomenon happen in any other game, ever.
(1080Ti with a 5930k at 4.4Ghz by the way. Not bottlenecked or anything.)