Assassin’s Creed Origins

I think I'm done with this and I must say, I very much enjoyed it; 60+ Hrs and paid £25 on these very forums, that's decent value for money! Also, my first Assassins Creed experience!

Last night I hit level 40, all my gear is Legendary, killed all the Pylakesand got the armour and finished the main story. I know there's plenty left to do but the urge to play it has passed. Need to find something else but the only thing in my library that even remotely excites me is Blood and Wine. Loved Witcher 3, probably why I loved ACO, they're pretty much the same game.

Looks like I'm leaving Egypt and Greece behind for a visit to Toussaint :)
Was hoping to get this when it got a bit cheaper, but just bought it anyway.

Wow! Graphics are spectacular and it runs so well.

I'm getting an average of 60 @ 1440p on what is basically the default Ultra settings.
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ive downgraded to a 1080 gtx and the game ran without crashing yesterday for about an hour. maybe the TI is faulty?
Think it got pushed back to start of April, after the first one I'm not rushing into hammering the second expansion.
So one of the new challenges is at level 43...but I'm stuck at level 40.

How do I get to I have to buy the DLC?

I'd wait if you haven't got it till after the 2nd one is released and it comes down in price, the first one didn't last long had an empty map for the most part and apart from getting the hidden ones outfit that makes you feel like playing AC it isn't worth it imo currently getting the season pass.
Hey everyone,

Patch 1.4.0 will be deployed on all platforms tomorrow, March 6.

Patch Size
Xbox One: 3.6 GB PS4: 2.9 GB Steam: 0,7 GB Uplay PC: 3.2 GB

New Features
  • Added support for the “The Curse of the Pharaohs” expansion
  • Added a reward to the main game for completing the Discovery Tour – finish all 75 guided tours to find out what that reward is. ;)
New Game+
  • Fixed an issue blocking the quest “Homecoming” from progressing when Hypatos is knocked down by a blunt weapon
Discovery Tour
  • Fixed an issue where the Discovery Tour progress could be lost after reinstalling the base game without patching to the latest version
  • Fixed an issue that could limit the speed of a mount in all areas
The Hidden Ones
  • Removed the possibility of selling the Mysterious Papyrus at the Bureau
Main Game

  • Fixed an issue preventing the “Kill Sefetu’s archers” objective from completing in the quest “All Eyes on Us”
  • Fixed an issue preventing the player from giving the amulet to complete the quest “A Dream of Ashes”
  • Fixed an issue with mounts appearing in the fight ring during the quest “Lady of Slaughter”
  • Improved enemies reactions to observing a Chain Assassination
  • Added the possibility of parrying with the shield while carrying a torch
  • Changed the description of the Hou Yi’s Bow to indicate that it has Poison on Hit ability instead of Instant Charging
  • Fixed the displayed Player Level on a save game which could drop back to 40 after uninstalling an add-on
  • Fixed an issue preventing Camp Shetjeh from completing
  • Fixed an issue preventing the Gracious Attire from appearing in Weaver Shops
  • Fixed an issue with Phylakes that would stop spawning
  • Fixed an issue preventing the playable character from leaving the Krocodilopolis arena after performing a Fast Travel
  • Fixed an issue preventing the playable character from controlling mounts of assassinated NPCs
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the output of any sound when resuming the game after being inactive.
  • [PC] Fixed low-quality textures for low and very low texture details
  • [PC] Fixed flickering artifacts on multi-monitor setup
  • [PC] Fixed resolution option when using portrait mode
  • Improved overall stability of the game application
  • [PC] Fixed an issue preventing the completion of the ”Seshem.eff Er Aat” tomb after quitting the game with Alt-F4 after having activated the Ancient Mechanisms
If you have any issues, please get in touch with our Customer Support for further assistance.
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