Assassin’s Creed Origins

Does this game crash or freeze for anyone else?

I've been having lots of issues with my 8 pack ram but thought I'd solved it.

One day I can play 3-4hrs no problems. The next day crash and freeze twice in one hour.

Hard to tell now if it's the game that's unstable or the ram.

I guess for more accurate results I should use the Ryzen dram calculator.

I had to drop my RAM speed to solve that.
Picked this back up to finish the second DLC off and I'm now having no end of issues with it randomly crashing to desktop which I never had when I played the 'vanilla' game or the first DLC
I've still about 4 or 5 regions I've not even walked into. Also yet to fully upgrade my gear on the character screen and the pouches for ammo etc (things along the bottom)
I might pick this back up again since I upgraded from my i5 3570k to the 8700k (running at 5Ghz). I did quickly jump in, lowest fps I was getting was 50's in a city with my 980ti @ 1440p. Before I was getting low 30's in a city. It's a shame DRM still bottle necks this on lower end CPU's. But now it's my GPU not up to snuff at absolute max settings (with low AA). I could drop a few settings but the times it drops are rare so yea... May pick this up again and continue the story!

My wife finished the main story in around 4 solid sittings! She loved it.
Played Sunday without issue and really enjoying the Pharaohs DLC, I didn't expect to go into unique zones of each afterlife.
I've only been in 3 so far but they've all been unique visually, It's made the game longer as I thought there was only the 5 or 6 zones to explore on the main map.

Going to dive back into it tonight hopefully as I want the new shield and sword that are BIS.
Finished Curse of the Pharaohs, though the ending felt odd due to how the quests were or I did the killing in the wrong order. Managed to unlock all the club rewards on Uplay but show me the money! hasn't so I've put a ticket into Ubisoft to get that unlocked hopefully.

Think I can uninstall now as the tour thing doesn't interest me.
Yup, this was a joy to play through. While I did play other's felt like passing the time to be honest then enjoying. Glad they took a year out and Ancient Egypt worked real well for a setting IMO.
Quick heads up for anyone on the fence about this - The uPlay E3 sale is on and Origins (Standard) is £24.99. Combine that with a 20% off code and you're looking at £20 or so.
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