Assassin’s Creed Origins

I play with the controller so I believe its Left Stick depress that'll hide stuff in the Gear screen.
Finished Origins, and the two DLC's with 114hrs played and max completion - well I can't see any missions on the map aside from the weekly Trial of the Gods stuff and Reda's dailies.

Hugely enjoyed the game once I got out of Siwa and started getting used to the new systems. I'm still not a fan of the combat system - it needs refinement. It's far too easy to button mash, which I did for 80% of the game until I got bored and started playing properly.

The main plot was complete rubbish but I still enjoyed certain missions here and there. By'eck I thought was an excellent character, and it is a shame Aya wasn't fleshed out more. Hugely enjoyed learning about the way the Creed came to be and am still annoyed that the Hidden Blade was introduced as a new thing.... Maybe Odyssey clears that up.

Climbing is a total joke now. They've dumbed it down loads in Syndicate as I recall but now you don't even need to look at 'grip points' on a wall or tower, just push up and you're basically an ancient Spiderman. There is no thought to the process.

The Hidden Ones DLC was rather short but I enjoyed it and it further fleshed out the Creed. Curse of the Pharaohs was a weird dlc but still very enjoyable and a lot longer than I expected.

It is a shame we'll never see more of By'eck because despite his one game, he was a second to Ezio as my favourite character.

Might end up getting Odyssey on my PS4 Pro as I was getting awful stutter/hitching throughout the game whilst it ran at 30-40fps @ 1080p. My cpu (i7 2600k @ 5.1ghz) just isn't upto the task, nor is my r9 290.

I did have a more constructive mini review to say but I somehow lost it :/
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Not played the game but the thought of a lost Geordie battling his way through ancient Egypt has peaked my interest :D
There's a character on some mission in the game that pronounces his name with that accent - can't remember which. Had me in tears!

I forgot to state in my little review up their that Ubisoft do excel at building great worlds in the AC series, and they did an amazing job with Egypt. All the landmarks and cities look so good, and the level of detail such as mirages if you spend too long in the desert regions is a great touch.
Pleasantly surprised by the second DLC, not what I was expecting so far, very cool, just what you want from a DLC, something a bit different to finish, like a nice dessert :P

DLC was...ok...kinda tied off the story, but you could skip it.

Also wondering about getting Oddysey on PS4...although I'm going to try and get a CAT5 cable through to the living room as I can stream from the PC and keep the PC visuals but enjoy from the sofa this time round.
Why no second game? Is this a spoiler?
No spoiler. Nothing has been mentioned about By'eck since Origins development was concluded and since Odyssey is set some 400 years in the past, our new 'spiderman' protagonists are Greek Spartans.

The only issue I have with getting Odyssey on the PS4 Pro is that my missus hogs the TV on most evenings, which makes lengthy game sessions a problem. Given that Origins is almost Witcher 3 sized in content I can see console use being an issue even if it runs a lot better.
Enjoying the second DLC, just what a DLC should be, something a bit different, but meaty enough to get stuck into. Surprised at how big it is actually.

Had to go back to finish up the first DLC to get levelled up's not bad actually, I think as it's mostly just 'a bit more ACO' it is a bit tiring if you dive straight into it from the main game. Coming back to it after a break it feels more fresh. Enjoyed the ending scene.

Been playing on the sofa using a Steam Link too, even better to enjoy the lush landscapes.

Can't wait for Odyssey :)
I got both DLC's fairly recently in a sale. Way under leveled for them mind. Just clearing up old quests now and finally have done all the "align the stars" quests.
Finally finished Curse Of The Pharoahs...was starting to get worried I would be finished before Odyssey's a pretty long DLC.

73 hours play time...but I'm only at 85% completion, and looking at the map there's a fair bunch of side quests to clean up.

Think overall this has snuck into my top 3 all time single player games....not really any one single stand out feature, but the whole package has just been a really enjoyable experience....I thought my days of sinking this sort of time into games was I can't wait for Odyssey :) I just hope they haven't screwed anything up, like making the main protagonist irritating (Bayek is a great lead).
I just hope they haven't screwed anything up

I'm hoping that too, more of the same but set in Greece would do me absolutely perfectly. AC:O was my joint game of the year for 2017, so all I really want is basically the same thing but set in Ancient Greece. Then more of the same for the third title but set in Ancient Japan/China/Rome
Hidden Ones is excellent as is Pharaohs. I preferred the former to the latter even though it was very short. Both excellent dlc though.
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