Assassin’s Creed Origins

What's the performance like? I'm wondering if my 980ti and 3570k @ 4.2ghz will run it at ultra 1440p
So, I have an ageing non-clocked i7-3770K with a 980Ti and play at 3440p. Even bumped up a few graphical options to Ultra and Very High. Benchmark doesn't like it and the taping of it didn't help but game is perfectly playable for me. I would imagine playing at just 1440p would up the FPS further.

In game benchmark.
Game is junk for me crashes every five minutes with 0 reports to view. Anyone know where i can check the logs and find out for myself. Might as well become a paying beta tester for them as well.
I assume this is all good at 3440x1440 and no weird business?

Also reading above about CPU usage...perhaps I should wait before getting it with my old 2500k still in duty? :D
I havent had it crash even once, must be difficult for PC game devs with all the different specs and third party software on each PC.

For reference, I am running an i5-2500 , with 16Gb ram and a GTX970 (4GB) and Windows 10. Playing in 1920x1080 with everything on highest except for Motion Blur and DoF which are both turned off. Runs fine , no crashes.
Something in the higher settings is hammering the CPU, bottlenecking cards.

Even my 1600X is getting pushed to nearly 90% utilisation in some of the benchmark scenes.
Yup it is very CPU heavy, pegs one of my cores at 98%-100% through benchmark run. Amusingly changing settings from Ultra to Very high only nets 3 FPS improvement as the CPU is being squeezed either way. Either way enjoying game so far. Much better then my money spent on Destiny 2 :o
It won't just be the one core either. The engine does balance load across the threads pretty well.

At least it doesn't result in stuttering for most people though.
Ah, I'll skip this then until I upgrade my PC. My 3570k just isn't cutting it for the top end of games these days, not at 1440p anyway. Any dips under 60fps with everything ultra is not my cup of tea.
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