Assassin’s Creed Origins

Loot box, not really, I mean there is loot but you get some legendaries/purples and you can upgrade them. You can buy literal loot boxes with normal in game gold, you can also use actual money to buy whatever those helix points are to I guess keep buying the loot boxes but this isn't exactly Diablo, one weapon won't be much off the next. I can see it being a way to get a legendary of a weapon type you want maybe when you've run out of other things to spend money on.

I hadn't really looked at the map properly, as in zooming out style.... jesus h christ, when you realise how damn big the map is.

Okay a lot of it is pretty barren but it should look that way really where the game is based. It's a bit easy, the fighting mechanics are kinda awkward but once you start upgrading a bit, well I'm also finding I'm doing missions in areas against weaker people now as with a lot of exploring and fighting people for resources I'm upgrading heavily and levelling up but still have missions in lower level areas.

There are some basic things available with uplay points that I'd recommend just to reduce grind for resources a bit, not much but 20 points for some resources, a cash pack, etc, gets you a few bits and bobs and what else are you going to use uplay points for.

It's still fairly fun but as said getting a tad easy so I'm going to start forcing myself to ignore side quests and move with the main mission as I hit levels to move zone.
The level of detail is astounding, turn off all the icons on the map and fly the Eagle high up and look down on the river and it's like a travel documentary, birds & animals everywhere, flocks of Flamingoes and Ibis flying below, Crocodiles & Hipo's lazing about or fighting each other on the bank, natives working the shadoof to raise water, people going about their daily tasks... the game is a work of art :cool:
The level of detail is astounding, turn off all the icons on the map and fly the Eagle high up and look down on the river and it's like a travel documentary, birds & animals everywhere, flocks of Flamingoes and Ibis flying below, Crocodiles & Hipo's lazing about or fighting each other on the bank, natives working the shadoof to raise water, people going about their daily tasks... the game is a work of art :cool:

I completely agree and not just in the external locations, some of the design of the hidden tombs and caves dotted around is incredible, so detailed and brilliantly laid out
120 Square KM IIRC the map is, just seen these off in the distance!


most of the individual areas of the map are bigger than the entire map of many games it's just massive! Apart from the initial move to Alexandria there are no loading screens either & I've spent ages just traveling by boat into shaded out areas to open the map & I'm nowhere near even halfway yet
You can tell when its a well made game when people start telling you tales of voyages off story just to admire the scenery.
The world is stunning as usual, AC games always deliver on this front and this might be the best setting yet. The series has its flaws (quite a lot of them) but the settings alone are enough to draw me in, they're so much better than all the bland copy-paste medieval RPG worlds.

Can't wait to get it but I'm a little short on money and have quite a backlog to go through.
One of the Dev diaries I watched awhile ago said they wanted to follow in the Witcher 3's footsteps. Sounds like with a massive explorable world they at least achieved that part.

Also the combat is based off of Zelda mechanics so I've heard.

I never buy these games full price and like to wait for patches etc so will get it when it drops to around the £25 mark.
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First one I have paid full price for since black flag. Usually pick them up really cheap.

Black Flag was cracking, especially after the colossal disappointment that was AC3. I'm glad that this one is being well received, the concept has such promise but Ubisoft have really screwed it lately by churning them out.
Had to buy as I'm a sucker for Egyptian based games. This is a stunning epic SP experience. Vast game world & I mean absolutely insanely vast :eek: several 100 hours worth minimum to explore & upgrade. Gfx are pretty good considering the size of the game world & level of interaction. Makes my GTX1080 work hard @ 4K maxxed out cannot get much more than 30 FPS god knows what you need to attain 60FPS also needs as many CPU cores as you can throw at it. Denuvo seems to sap some FPS though it could be down to that as it uses Uplay + Denuvo (and Steam as well if you bought from there!).

Fair play to Ubisoft for making it SP only none of this forced MP & Co-op rubbish some of the earlier games had just a gigantic epic SP quest with stunning gfx & insane level of detail.
Ya this is raping my 1080 at 3440x1440 solid 99 usage but 45 to 65 FPS outside on very high preset but am probably gonna turn AA down and some shadows to get the minimums up abit but it's still smooth with gsync
Trying to play it on my TV, 55inch 4K curved LG.

I can play any other game at 4K 60fps resolution chosen within the game settings. When I try to do this with origins it just loses synch to the screen, even tried 24fps mode just to see if it works.
Really really strange as I said every other game works on my TV.
Resorted to 200% in display settings to sort it but would rather be native. It even says native at the 2160 resolution and 60fps sliders.
Anyone have any ideas what it could be?

Apart from that the game is just fanatastic, spent 4 hours or so just running around the first area trying to do everything and find everything.
No idea but games like this are designed for a lovely Xbox one pad tbh.. and I hate using controllers usually as I have tiny Jeremy beadle hands :(
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