Assassin's Creed: Unity

Just completed the main story of the game and it wasn't that bad to be honest, story wise. Now to see what Co-op is like.
I'm going to assume it's just another problem with the game but has anyone else had problems opening the companion app chests in the game, or am I just being thick? I've got at least three unlocked on the app but every time I try to open them in-game, it just says that I have to play the companion app to unlock it? Even though on the app, it says to unlock it in the actual game...

Ive got the same, so infuriating.

Not as infuriating as the fact that I can't do co-op with my flatmate... Keep getting stupid error 0x60000001. Can stop either one of us getting it by putting our IP separately in a DMZ behind our router but can only have one DMZ so can't both play at the same time :(
Works perfectly fine for me but very very tough on the system. I can feel the room heating up due to the graft my graphics card has to do. Had to turn it down to medium settings to be playable. Time for upgrade methinks.

I am thinking of getting this game like in a month, is there a point, is it any good

Quite a few people are having problems with it but I've found that the majority having problems with it are also the ones who pirated the game, I know many people personally who bought the game and apart from the game being hard to run as it has high requirements it runs fine.

The only question you need to ask is, Did you enjoy the previous Assassins Creed games and do you want more ? If yes then this game is for you :)
Well I have not played the game before but my friends like asssassin creed

Do u think my computer will run it fine these are the specs

Intel i5 4690K
Geforce gtx 970
8 gb ram
Just finished the campaign and sunk about 60 hours into this, so thought I'd post my review that I just put up on Metacritic.

The good news: Ubi actually listened to fans who wanted less hand-holding; more open ended assassinations. They even shelved the out of place if mechanically excellent sailing. Customization is also fantastic.

The Bad: The 3 main pillars of AC: Parkour, combat and stealth have always looked a LOT better than they actually played but in Unity this is taken to absurd levels.

Parkour in theory should allow the player more control with the added fast-descent, but a in practice only makes things more complicated compounded by the irregular Parisian architecture leading Arno jumping on things you don't want, refusing to climb or drop at all and getting stuck on objects constantly.

Stealth: I rejoiced when I saw we would finally have a crouch and cover system, believing they would simply rip the brilliant Watch Dogs version and use that. Actually, no. This has to be the most inconsistent, broken cover-system i've played since Mass Effect 1. Want to quickly get into cover? Well, my friend, press x to roll that dice,. because Arno may do as you ask.... or he may rather then going into the piece of cover you want go out of his way to slide into a doorway in full view of everyone. He may only go into cover if he's standing. Or crouching. Or he may automatically go from one of these stances to the other for no reason. He may go into cover nowhere near the corner, or more likely he will just refuse altogether. In classic AC fashion Ai, level design and guard placement and patrols are all over the place leading to the conclusion the devs have nary a clue of how to DO stealth. Combine this with the erratic, sticky Parkour and imprecise general movement and frustration exceeds blood-boiling levels,

Combat: Well it's harder - no REALLY this time. Unfortunately it's not for the right reasons. Sure they removed the press counter to literally set up a kill-streak to eviscerate every guard in the western hemisphere, and replaced it with a nice timed parry, and allowed guards to attack you together, but the delay in reponse to your commands means you will get killed through no fault of your own. And because the game automatically judges whether Arno is 'in' or 'out' of combat if you want to run good luck because you will have to fight the controls to force Arno out of the combat stance, which combined with the aforementioned delay means you will more often than not get impaled in the back by the time you get the game to respond to what you want. Batman Arkham this ain't.

Playing this game is one of the most heart-breaking and frustrating experiences I've had in gaming, because it's clear Ubisoft really listened to what people wanted and clearly tried to produce the ultimate AC - a game that SHOULD have been the pinnacle of the series. When things work the game feels beautiful. Unfortunately that is the problem. Things work about 20% of the time. For every time Arno balletically glides over a ledge and slides down a rooftop into cover, before seemlessly wrentching a guard round a corner to sever his carotid artery without alerting a soul to his presence there will be another 4 where he'll get stuck on the ledge, or jump off the rooftop, or refuse to go into cover and get seen. It seems a combination of lack of talent to implement consistant, responsive controls in favour of their beloved animations and the usual Ubisoft rush-to-shelves-for-holiday-season have given us a beautiful yet horribly buggy, unoptomized, broken mess.
My son is desperate for me to buy him this. I've checked in this thread and obviously I can't buy it yet.

Does the game run OK on consoles?
It doesn't run well on anything. Save your money until it either gets fixed, although that is a colossal undertaking in itself.
Rickin10, very nice review. You've perfectly summed up the most infuriating issues with this game; the erratic parkour, dodgy covering, and weird combat system.

I find the parkour to be a lot better, but I also suffer the same frustration as you. You can flow around beautifully, but if you want to go to a precise place, it becomes a hell of a lot more difficult, and you end up jumping all over the shop.

The cover system...most of the time I just can't get him to go into cover, he just kind of mills around near the location that you were aiming for, and leaves your ass hanging out or something. I like the stealth button and I'm glad to have it, but I am terrified of getting caught simply due to how random the ability to go into cover is.

The combat system is great, in my opinion. The guards are a lot of fun to fight and the timed parry is pretty good. It's been far too easy to kill huge groups in the previous games, and now it's a bit more like the combat system in Shadow of Mordor, where you can time things nicely to hit a few people in rapid succession by parrying.

What infuriates me most about the combat system, which is ruining the game slightly for me, is that you can't actually make a choice of which weapon you want, whether you want to just use fists (impossible), or choose the phantom blade or sword. I want to decide which weapon to use, not the game.

Inducing a fight is incredibly difficult, and you basically have to kill one of the guys to get any others to attack, which doesn't work very well when there are just two chaps standing around and you're gagging for a fight.

Having said all that, I've loved every minute of the game so far. It's easy to overlook these issues because the whole thing is so different and a lot more fun than previous games.

String, definitely get it for him! It may be buggy, but you can overlook that for the pleasure of playing an all round excellent game IMO.
It doesn't run well on anything. Save your money until it either gets fixed, although that is a colossal undertaking in itself.

It runs perfectly fine on consoles, I have it on the ps4 and apart from the odd pop in and slightly slow down it runs OK and is perfectly playable except for the issues with the game itself which rickin has summed up pretty well.
This game runs perfectly on my system (670 FTW SLI) and looks incredible. I'm really enjoying it and am quite surprised by all the negativity. Easily my favourite in the AC series so far (I really did not like AC3 or Black Flag).
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