Assassin's Creed Valhalla

Oooh... looks good! The king looks like Joaquin Phoenix (and sounds a bit like him too?) edit: guess not, some actor I've never heard of :p

Although I still need to finish the French one...
...then start the English one
...and Egyptian one
...and Greek one
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Oooh... looks good! The king looks like Joaquin Phoenix (and sounds a bit like him too?)

Although I still need to finish the French one...
...then start the English one
...and Egyptian one
...and Greek one

Don't forget to give us your opinion on Valhalla when get you play it... around 2025:D
Would be great if they could get permission to put Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and Ernest Borgnine into it.

Sounds about right :(

Got Cyberpunk to get in the way as well, so maybe make it 2026...

Honestly mate, Origins and Odyssey are bloody massive, you really have a handful here:p I think it's safe to say you're looking at 300+h if you want to complete most of the stuff.

Well, at least Unity and Syndicate are more manageable and both are pretty decent.
Assassin's Creed II is currently free until the 5th May on uPLay for those interested!
For some reason I could never get in to Odyssey. But this one looks interesting.

Though won't this be at least twice in the Assassins Creed series, that the Brits are the bad guys? :rolleyes:

What makes me laugh in that video is some of comments about it being a "historically accurate" game. None of the AC games have been "historically accurate", hell even the Civilization series, which is pointedly exactly about History, isnt "historically accurate". Theres a fundamental difference between something which is set in history and which is accurately about history. The AC series has always been just set in history.
Viking setting for longboat battles should be awesome, if odyssey boat battles anything to go by.

Little extra pieces of info are dribbling out every day now, for example there will not be "levels" anymore, so the level system from Origins and Odyssey etc has changed, one of the additional pieces of info to come out is that there wont really be any naval battles. The longships will be used almost exclusively for travelling. Sort of makes sense really I guess as the Vikings werent often involved in naval combat, indeed virtually every time they encountered the Anglo Saxons in naval combat they simply tried to flee rather than fight and when they did fight , they got their asses handed to them in naval combat. Its a bit of a shame though as I was hoping to see the Kraken involved in some way.
I really hope they get rid of the modern day crap I can't stand it

It's just horrible.

Absolutely pointless, really drags you out of the game, and I don't believe anyone likes it.

Just drop it, no one's interested in it.
I assume modern day nonsense will be kept to a minimum, they've been trimming that with each subsequent release, fortunately.

I'm fairly interested so far. We got male-female character choice again which is nice. I only hope that won't be just an avatar choice like in Odyssey but an actual gameplay difference like different skills available, some exclusive sidequests, different main story bits and dialogue options etc.

The hidden blade is back as it should, the combat sounds promising with weight behind each hit and dismemberment, Odyssey felt too light here.

Dark Ages England has me intrigued, the settings in these games rarely disappoint and are actually the main reason I play them, though I was hoping for some more Norway. By the looks of it, it'll be fairly limited.

Less naval combat doesn't bother me, though I was secretly hoping for some RELEASE THE KRAKEN:p

I hope it's really the team behind Origins on this and they'll craft a great map without too much copy paste or bloat. If so, I'll totally get it.
Main Character Eivor is described as ambitious, a lone wolf, and intent on achieving glory for themselves. But they will also have to care about the well being of their community.

- The three main cities of the game, in England, will be London, Winchester, and Jórvík (now called York). There will also be several minor towns - and Norway - to explore. There will also be some additional "surprises" in terms of world and map.

- Players will be able to go back and forth from England to Norway as they please

- The customizable mercenary Viking NPCs will be called "The Jomsvikings". These customizable Vikings will not just go on raids with the player or their friends but will also live in the player's settlement

- The settlement will act as home and base for the player. According to Creative Director Ashraf Ismail, "You always start in your settlement, and then you go out into the world – you go on a journey"

- These "journeys" will allow the player to bring back different things, like new people for the settlement or resources or "other surprises".

- Every piece of gear in the world will be unique (there will not be other copies of the same item with different stats). Players can upgrade each piece of gear and can even bring the up to the end of the game if they wish so. Players will also be able to customize the gear at some point in the game.

- Among the weildable items there will be round shields, tower shields, flails, spears, bearded axes, Dane axes and longswords.

- The enemies will be able to use the environment and one another against the player.
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