Main Character Eivor is described as ambitious, a lone wolf, and intent on achieving glory for themselves. But they will also have to care about the well being of their community.
- The three main cities of the game, in England, will be London, Winchester, and Jórvík (now called York). There will also be several minor towns - and Norway - to explore. There will also be some additional "surprises" in terms of world and map.
- Players will be able to go back and forth from England to Norway as they please
- The customizable mercenary Viking NPCs will be called "The Jomsvikings". These customizable Vikings will not just go on raids with the player or their friends but will also live in the player's settlement
- The settlement will act as home and base for the player. According to Creative Director Ashraf Ismail, "You always start in your settlement, and then you go out into the world – you go on a journey"
- These "journeys" will allow the player to bring back different things, like new people for the settlement or resources or "other surprises".
- Every piece of gear in the world will be unique (there will not be other copies of the same item with different stats). Players can upgrade each piece of gear and can even bring the up to the end of the game if they wish so. Players will also be able to customize the gear at some point in the game.
- Among the weildable items there will be round shields, tower shields, flails, spears, bearded axes, Dane axes and longswords.
- The enemies will be able to use the environment and one another against the player.