Yeah mate you just into the content folder click tracks or cars and copy the folder in there and that's it.
Thanks i'll have a play later
Yeah mate you just into the content folder click tracks or cars and copy the folder in there and that's it.
Xb1 controller was causing the problem. It's not compatible yet. Now reverted back to the 360 and it's working fine. The post processing effects are lovely. The tracks still need more character and atmosphere though compared to how project cars does things but we're slowly getting there. However if it doesn't happen I'm still more than happy with the physics and general looks /performance / mod support / content of the game.
I had this problem today. Only happened after I plugged the XB1 controller into a USB 3 port. Moved it back to to the previous USB 2 port and no problems since.
That's strange.
Did you plug it into your motherboard 's port? I had it in the cases USB 2 port.
edit - so I plugged it into the motherboard's usb port and it works. How odd. But mine only works in USB 3.0 not USB 2.0. Are you 100% sure yours doesn't work with USB 3.0?
Thanks RevBillyG!
Thanks Matson. You are absolutely correct. It is a crime and I will repent by updating it with triples (when funds allow ). The more I use it, the more I realise how much 3 screens would improve the experience.
While the triple screen will be wider I don't really have the room for it and with the ultra wide screen you wont have the bezels so im probably going for that.
With that whole car-centric set-up, how do you handle other use of the computer?
Do you have a computer which is for driving and nothing else? Or some kind of switch set-up to move monitor output and input devices between that and a desk based setup?
Those were the reasons I went for an ultrawide initially although mine is only a 29 inch. It is a good compromise (asides from the price) if space is a concern. However, since I've come this far with the rig I'm going to go triples and design a stand which will allow one of the monitors to be easily swung out of the way. Weight will be an issue so 27 inch screens will be the absolute maximum (23 is more likely).
I agree sound is really important; I find headphones are great for driving and it means I don't disturb anyone else in the house.
Beautiful!I have a switch setup. I've written three scripts; one for the desktop, one for the rig and another for my arcade machine. It switches the display, changes the default audio device and wallpaper. For the arcade machine, it automatically starts up a front end as well. I have 3 icons on the task bar and simply click one of them to activate. They are batch files converted to executables using the battoexe tool. It works well and there's no messing around - one click and it's done!