Asus P5Q-E (P45) Motherboard Review

Yeah the BIOS date and time gets messed up after a bad overclock.

Been floating between it and 0702 over the past couple of days and haven't come across any performance differences, but 0702 seems a bit more stable. My Q6600 clocks earlier in this thread were all done on 0704, but I've mostly kept to 0702 with the Q9450 as it's just an ickle bit tougher to get stable.
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I wonder if it's just the GTL tables that have been changed. I'm using 702 atm as its best for my Q6600 but for whatever reason the raid screen is corrupt - dosn't effect performance but crapped myself when I first saw it lol. Hopefully these will be ironed out before public release.
No problems with the RAID screen here on 0702, tho I've only seen it 3 or 4 times as I normally don't risk my RAID'ed Vista when I'm clocking.

And since you're in contact with an ASUS rep, have they any word on when AI Suite will be able to read the chipset voltages (or any Windows software for that matter). My FSB Term is worrying me enough without not being able to tell what it really is in Windows (probably a good 0.1v higher than the BIOS setting going by their track record).
Well reading this and seeing as giga can't seem to be bothered releasing theirs i am seriously thinking of getting this board now. I have my cpu and ram so only waiting for motherboard and it is killing me so might give in to impatience get this wack me TT120 on and have some oc'ing fun :).
is it just the 500bus speed thats unstable? or the whole 4.00ghz shenanigins?
sorry still a noob with overclocking but trying to learn before i get a new rig.
would the likes of 3.5 at 500x7 be more stable?

oooh i would using air
Atm it's the 500mhz FSB with my chip. It needs too much FSB Term voltage to be stable.
Will anyone that's bought a P5Q Deluxe please list their part number. It will be either -




and also whether the sticker on the motherboard says Made in China or Made in Taiwan. I'm talking about the sticker between the CPU socket and the memory sockets, and not the Made in China that is physically imprinted on the PCB elsewhere on the board.

Thankies :)
I bought at random from the auction site to tide me over for a couple of weeks as my Q9450 was delayed from Germany (ie the seller never had them in stock to start with :rolleyes: ).

But it turned out to be a L737B with a 1.225v VID.
I bought at random from the auction site to tide me over for a couple of weeks as my Q9450 was delayed from Germany (ie the seller never had them in stock to start with :rolleyes: ).

But it turned out to be a L737B with a 1.225v VID.

quite lucky with that 1.225v.:) when i bought mine from oc i got one with a vid of 1.2750 when quite a lot of people on here were reporting that they were getting 1.325vid chips
Cheers cob - been tuning into this thread regularly, and i have to admit i am finding it harder and harder to choose between a wolfdale or a quad for my new build, particularly after these clocks!
Will anyone that's bought a P5Q Deluxe please list their part number. It will be either -




and also whether the sticker on the motherboard says Made in China or Made in Taiwan. I'm talking about the sticker between the CPU socket and the memory sockets, and not the Made in China that is physically imprinted on the PCB elsewhere on the board.

Thankies :)

the top of my board says made in china

but the sticker says made in taiwan

and mines a T
Will anyone that's bought a P5Q Deluxe please list their part number. It will be either -




and also whether the sticker on the motherboard says Made in China or Made in Taiwan. I'm talking about the sticker between the CPU socket and the memory sockets, and not the Made in China that is physically imprinted on the PCB elsewhere on the board.

Thankies :)

Sticker on mine says Made In China, and mine is a Z

Now, what is the difference.....

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Someone on another forum asked why there was 2 different part numbers for the board. Assembled in Taiwan and assembled in China seemed to be the obvious answer.

Being made in Taiwan used to signify a better board, but ASUS have now switched all PCB production to China (hence all boards having China imprinted on the PCB regardless of what the sticker says). So I'd assume that only the components are added in Taiwan, and they should be the same. I'm still interested in whether there's any differences, tho it will take a while before any pattern emerges, especially given the huge number of different chips that people are using in them.
Someone on another forum asked why there was 2 different part numbers for the board. Assembled in Taiwan and assembled in China seemed to be the obvious answer.

Being made in Taiwan used to signify a better board, but ASUS have now switched all PCB production to China (hence all boards having China imprinted on the PCB regardless of what the sticker says). So I'd assume that only the components are added in Taiwan, and they should be the same. I'm still interested in whether there's any differences, tho it will take a while before any pattern emerges, especially given the huge number of different chips that people are using in them.

Yes Asus used to do the First runs in Taiwan then switch to China, I always thought the Taiwan boards were better (better robots :D ) I have a P5Q delux and it's China, and this must be one of the first production runs so I suppose it's all China from now on !..Must say Asus packaging could do with improving, no nice foam below the Mobo and everything bouncing on the top of the board :rolleyes:
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