Asus P5W DH Deluxe - doesn't support Conroe out of box?

shodan said:
I'm pretty sure if it says 0701 on your bios chip, your bios is version 0701.

I hope in time you'll realise just how silly a question that was! :D
Lol I know, but I got the board from OCUK, and they told me the board DEFINITELY would need a BIOS flash. Turns out, it doesn't... So now I've got a replacement BIOS chip for no reason. Hee hee.
DarkReaver13 said:
Lol I know, but I got the board from OCUK, and they told me the board DEFINITELY would need a BIOS flash. Turns out, it doesn't... So now I've got a replacement BIOS chip for no reason. Hee hee.

Well it's always handy to have an extra chip! I'm in the same position as you, so when the conroe eventually arrives, at least one of them is bound to work!
So are these boards still going out with the old bios or are they starting to ship with the latest?
shodan said:
I'm pretty sure if it says 0701 on your bios chip, your bios is version 0701.

I hope in time you'll realise just how silly a question that was! :D

Agreed, and be aware that you only just got into the club by the skin of your teeth by being an OCUK member,

Intel are implementing an " I'm really too stoopid to own a computer, so I will be sent to the back of the queue for my Conroe ", in an attempt to give these chips to the ones who are "worthy" :rolleyes:
DarkReaver13 said:
Lol I know, but I got the board from OCUK, and they told me the board DEFINITELY would need a BIOS flash. Turns out, it doesn't... So now I've got a replacement BIOS chip for no reason. Hee hee.

can i have that chip :eek:
Hey guys, been reading this thread... now.. i have a problem..

I got an Asus P5W DH and a retail connie X6800. Now, my board arrived with the 0701 bios on it, BUT... it wont boot... no post... nothing. Switches on and nothing on the screen.

Now, i was under the impression that 0701 should work. Of course, i have no guarantee thats wots on the board, im going by what is written on the chip.

Rest of my specs are 2xX1900's in xfire, Creative X-Fi, 2GB OCZ platinum PC2 6400 memory.

Any thoughts? Not a biggy if i have to get a new bios chip, i half expected that anyway, but i just wanna make sure before i do!
M1keMK said:
Hey guys, been reading this thread... now.. i have a problem..

I got an Asus P5W DH and a retail connie X6800. Now, my board arrived with the 0701 bios on it, BUT... it wont boot... no post... nothing. Switches on and nothing on the screen.

Now, i was under the impression that 0701 should work. Of course, i have no guarantee thats wots on the board, im going by what is written on the chip.

Rest of my specs are 2xX1900's in xfire, Creative X-Fi, 2GB OCZ platinum PC2 6400 memory.

Any thoughts? Not a biggy if i have to get a new bios chip, i half expected that anyway, but i just wanna make sure before i do!

Obviously as I havent tried this board yet but intend to, id say take everything out you dont need so only one vga and 1 stick of ram and give that a whirl? unless youve tried that already
Bradmax57 said:
Obviously as I havent tried this board yet but intend to, id say take everything out you dont need so only one vga and 1 stick of ram and give that a whirl? unless youve tried that already

Thanks guys, yeah, i was up till 1am last night trying stuff like that. Im gonna get a new bios chip with the new bios revision just in case that is the issue. Otherwise im stumped, and will prob have to send the board back i guess. A suprise, seeing as its asus. Also, all the lights come on on the board etc... hmmm...

Oh well, I'll let ya know if i get anywhere!
I've been having a problem with the P5W DH Deluxe and the X6800. The machine will not POST at all with the Conroe chip in. The mobo came with BIOS 0701, and I've subsequently tried 0901 but to no avail. If I put my old P4 chip in though, it works perfectly :confused: . X6800 chip has been back to Overclockers who have confirmed the chip is working fine.

I've tried alternative memory and graphics cards to try to eliminate any conflicts, but no joy. Anyone have any suggestions?
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Am I right in thinking that zaps the CMOS? (think I've read it somewhere - maybe earlier in this thread). I won't receive the chip back from OCUK until Monday, but when I do I'll give it a whirl! Thanks.

The fact that the mobo works with a P4 chip really puzzles me though - is it possible that a mobo could be defective in such a fashion that one type of chip will work, but another won't?
You would have thought so, but never say never! ;)

Your problem seems very similar to mine. Wish i had another chip to try in my board to confirm but i dont.

Im gonna have another play tonight/tomorrow seeing as i cant RMA anything till monday anyways. Lets hope it solves itself!
Have you treid clearing the cmos with the jumpers? I heard this work in a situ a bit like this before.
Have you tried clearing the CMOS (either by removing the battery or the above suggested method?)

If you figure it out let me know! :)
I cleared it by removing the batter and putting the jumper accross - no go. But i havnt tried hitting the insert key yet. Will give that a shot later. I have emailed asus for a new bios chip with 0801 on it, just incase mine was labelled wrong (which wouldnt suprised me too much! LOL!). I'll try and figure it out tomorrow, i have a whole day on it... I'll let you know if i have a break through!
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