At last Jailbreak 6.1 coming very soon. Yipee!

Does springtomize slow down the phone to any degree?. I'm wary of installing stuff like this because of bad experiences I had with slow down which I blamed on Winterboard.

Also, Marky - how did you get your homescreen to contain 5 columns of app icons?.
Marky I would be interested to know with all those installed how the general performance of the iPhone 5 is. I'm thinking of upgrading my 4S to one as the main killer with jailbreaking has always been the limited amount of RAM. I think 1 Gig will give amazing performance. Its still cool on my 4S but you have to get more into the habbit of closing apps with most of that installed. (I've been jailbreaking for years so I am no rookie)
No problem at all! There isn't anything in there that keeps things active that shouldn't be - as far as I know :p

I do really like the look of the notification, might give this a try but only reason I'm reluctant is in the past a lot of these tweaks kill the battery life!
Marky I would be interested to know with all those installed how the general performance of the iPhone 5 is. I'm thinking of upgrading my 4S to one as the main killer with jailbreaking has always been the limited amount of RAM. I think 1 Gig will give amazing performance. Its still cool on my 4S but you have to get more into the habbit of closing apps with most of that installed. (I've been jailbreaking for years so I am no rookie)

I've not noticed any performance difference whatsoever. In fact, with FakeClockUp it at least feels a lot faster as all the animations are really speedy :D

I do really like the look of the notification, might give this a try but only reason I'm reluctant is in the past a lot of these tweaks kill the battery life!

Give it a shot! You can always kill your jailbreak if you change your mind :)
I've not noticed any performance difference whatsoever. In fact, with FakeClockUp it at least feels a lot faster as all the animations are really speedy :D
Doesn't Springtomize do that too? :)

Still haven't JB'ed my 5, usually I'd have done it straight away, but for some reason I'm reluctant to do it this time. Maybe I've just got used to stock iOS!?

The fact that the Barclay's banking app wont work puts me off tbh, i use tat so much...
Doesn't Springtomize do that too? :)

Still haven't JB'ed my 5, usually I'd have done it straight away, but for some reason I'm reluctant to do it this time. Maybe I've just got used to stock iOS!?

The fact that the Barclay's banking app wont work puts me off tbh, i use tat so much...

isnt there a tool that fixes that?
Doesn't Springtomize do that too? :)

Still haven't JB'ed my 5, usually I'd have done it straight away, but for some reason I'm reluctant to do it this time. Maybe I've just got used to stock iOS!?

The fact that the Barclay's banking app wont work puts me off tbh, i use tat so much...

Mmm not that I know of - Not yet at least! They're always adding new things, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was in the works at least :p

Won't xCon get around the Barclays app not working?
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Last i heard it doesn't work with the latest version?

EDIT: Looks like the BMB app will never be patched... :/

Fair enough. :)

barclays app doesnt work with jailbreak. maybe its a security thing and detects that you have jailbroken (as with skype)
Indeed, I was wondering if its ever going to be covered by Xcon, but it looks like it wont be. I read that its never going to be patched.

Anyway, i jailbroke my 5 last night, finally.

IntelliscreenX, Springtomize2, Auxo, BiteSMS and all the usual stuff I used to love. Frankly I'm a bit underwhelmed, I used to love JBing, and all the tweaking etc that came with it....

Think I'm just bored with iPhone, Maybe its time to go back to the dark side...?! :o
I've given up and restored back to Apple Stock 6.1 on 4S.
The only things I will miss are No Accy Splash and Browser Chooser.
Every other tweak either just doesn't interest me or causes issues (eg Sky go)
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