Audi owners in here!

I'd wager that most of the time it's absolutely fine, though potentially a bit crashy/hard on rougher surfaces or over pronounced undulations.

I certainly don't find the ride too bad on 19s (on a smaller, lighter car), but mine does have magnetically adjustable damping.
I'm on my second 8V in Daytona and it does appear to have become the default S-Line colour. Basically, if you get an S-Line, you get it in Daytona. They're everywhere. It's a lovely colour but has become far too common.

Sounds promising. My lifetime average in my current 1.4COD is 35 but that's 90% urban driving. I'm anticipating that dropping to around 25.

Yeah the extended interior makes a surprising amount of difference. At least they now call it something sensible rather than the old 'mono pur' description which no-one understood.

Cheers, sounds more promising that I'd feared, especially on motorway jaunts. My 1.4 only manages high 40s on an 80mph-ish motorway jaunt.

This was the drive into work this morning, combination of country lanes and A roads:

No wonder performance diesels became a thing. I do wonder why 'fuel is really expensive' has been basically ignored in this prediction that petrol is the future again.
How's the ride on an S-Line A4 with 19" alloys? They look enormous!

I have the same car with the same alloys as @Abyss, but I have the adaptive sport dampers. The ride is really, really good. Much more compliant than my M135i with adaptive dampers, and far more comfortable than my girlfriend's F55 Mini on 17" non-runflats. I dare say it's as close to perfect as you'd expect from this class of car.
How's the ride on an S-Line A4 with 19" alloys? They look enormous!

It rides very well considering some of the past history of Audi and big alloys. It was one of my concerns before test driving but I haven't found it an issue at all.

The ride isn't quite as refined at the A6 on 18" I had previously but it's more fun to drive and suffers no worse on bad roads.

The only time it's noticeable is on really badly maintained roads such as private access roads.

It's leagues ahead of the wife's countryman that I sometimes drive.

I like the look of that a lot! Very nice :)

Thanks :)
No wonder performance diesels became a thing. I do wonder why 'fuel is really expensive' has been basically ignored in this prediction that petrol is the future again.
I'm not sure what exactly you are trying to say? Is this sarcasm or genuine? Are you taking the mick out of "performance diesels", or...? :confused:
It's quite high consumption for A roads really. We really need something credible to replace diesel but retain the level of fuel efficiency.
It's quite high consumption for A roads really. We really need something credible to replace diesel but retain the level of fuel efficiency.

Really? 37 mpg is quite high for a performance petrol motor on country lanes and A roads? I wouldn't have expected too much more in my 530d on a similar commute in reality. I think that's not bad at all. If you want to get better than that, then drop to a non-performance petrol, like a Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost. But to get that out a 4wd, 300 BHP performance car, to me shows how far things have come.
Really? 37 mpg is quite high for a performance petrol motor on country lanes and A roads? I wouldn't have expected too much more in my 530d on a similar commute in reality. I think that's not bad at all. If you want to get better than that, then drop to a non-performance petrol, like a Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost. But to get that out a 4wd, 300 BHP performance car, to me shows how far things have come.

A casual drive back from my nans I can get 40mpg from my TTS.
Really? 37 mpg is quite high for a performance petrol motor on country lanes and A roads? I wouldn't have expected too much more in my 530d on a similar commute in reality. I think that's not bad at all. If you want to get better than that, then drop to a non-performance petrol, like a Fiesta 1.0 Ecoboost. But to get that out a 4wd, 300 BHP performance car, to me shows how far things have come.

It's about where my old 530i would be on A roads, perhaps a fraction higher. Less power but 16 years older with 2 more cylinders and 50% more displacement.

I don't think we've made nearly enough progress for people to start moving from diesel without noticeable fuel cost increases which is a shame.

I assume your 530d was towing a caravan as mine is closer to 50 than 37 on A roads.

Fuel consumption never gets mentioned in the anti diesel narrative. It's quite bizarre.

It's not bad if he has his foot in the carpet doing Mach 10 but if it was a typical drive...
To be fair, if I am taking it pretty easy I was closer to 50 mpg that 37 for much of my driving. But I wasn't taking it too easy most of the time. My lifetime average was around the 40 mpg mark. But then I don't really commute, so was rarely in commuter traffic.

I would still say that 37 isn't bad out of that car in reality. My old 1.8T's would barely stretch over 30 mpg on a typical drive (granted I was low 20's at the time, so a typical drive may have been a bit quicker than todays typical drive).

I'm obviously not saying there is still improvements to come to make the switch back to petrol more liveable with. And I agree that the petrol fuel economy is rarely brought up in the anti diesel narrative, where it is a fundamental issue towards why the move isn't making as much traction as it should.

In that respect, perhaps the government would do well to give a reasonable fuel duty discount to petrol as opposed to diesel. They should get at least most of their taxes back with increased spending on petrol, as more people use more fuel to make the same journey, so the taxes could be designed to make it a no cost discount, whilst at the same time promoting the use of "cleaner" petrol engines.
No wonder performance diesels became a thing. I do wonder why 'fuel is really expensive' has been basically ignored in this prediction that petrol is the future again.

I think the current petrols are close. 335d on the way to work could do 55mpg, G30 540i would do 44mpg. I expect on a long steady run the gap would be closer.
Hmm doubtful. Especially with the stupid mandatory 4wd.

Unless the trip computer is off that's what it did two days in a row. M140i would do 5-6 more which in turn was 2-3 better than a M135. Don't think I ever hit over 55mph and mainly around 45-50.

4wd is also not stupid, absolutely flys out of junctions roundabouts etc. I don't think the fuel consumption hit is that bad in real life with xdrive after doing 3k in a 335d compared to a rwd 330d it was within 3-5mpg not sure how much of that was down to the extra turbo. The 335d would hang on a lot longer to 8th gear at just over 50 which no doubt helps.
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