AUNE T1 (MK1 + MK2) discussion

Anyone pair their T1 with another amp?

Read the review thread on head-fi about the LD mk2 earlier and thought it might be worth a shot.

My chain would be: laptop - LD mk2 amp - T1 DAC - AKG 550

I like the 550, but the lack of punchy bass leaves them lacking with certain genres. Prob add DT770 and HD650 to the can collection (well beginning of).
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Sorry rids but I just got this as I had a £5 voucher for something worth £30+ in the electronics category

"Schiit Vali

Hello, as mentioned above, this is a 3 day old (at time of listing) Schitt Vali headphone amplifier. I was so impressed with this that I've upgraded and gone with another further up the range. I'll include the original receipt which will give you the rest of the guarantee with the UK based dealer.

Info here:

220V version!"

Got it for same price as what it costs in USA direct from Schiit (when you add shipping on to a USA address $15) because of the £5 voucher.

So only HifiMan HE400's to order now from USA, the Vali should be here next week hopefully
Nice work sir, I think you'll be happy with your purchase. I am still up in the air between a Vali, Asgard 2, Valhalla and Matrix M-Stage - oh and an Audio-GD NFB-11 or 15 :D
Nice work sir, I think you'll be happy with your purchase. I am still up in the air between a Vali, Asgard 2, Valhalla and Matrix M-Stage - oh and an Audio-GD NFB-11 or 15 :D

When I saw the listing headline

"Schiit Vali - 3 Days Old - Roughly 6 Hours Use - MINT! - Headphone Amp"

I was like wtf, too good to be true, along with the £5 voucher I had.

I had to quickly google what it was going to cost from schiit's website plus postage, to a locker in USA, then saw it was like £2 in it and I would have to wait 1 month, plus with this I get the receipt for the UK retailer, etc so full warranty. I knew I had to be quick because it was a ridiculous deal for what is a brand new amp, the guy probably only used it for 1 day.

That's me done in terms of "upgrades".

Going to sell my X1 this weekend and get the HifiMan ordered hopefully.

I'll let you know how it sounds.

Good answer :D

I'll prob get one, I just like real reviews before I purchase. Head-fi is Ok, but I get the feeling everyone on that forum is in it for scoring +1 e-peen rather then enjoying the sound.

What's your views on Woo Audio? I currently own the T1 for desktop use, plus a mid range studio monitor set up (5k for speakers and amp).

I might look to consolidate all into 1 amp/dac combo. Woo Audio gear is sleek, reasonably priced and highly rated...surely a winner?
If $1000 is reasonably priced then go for it, the WA7 Fireflies is certainly a nice looking piece of kit.
Personally I would be looking at the Audio-GD NFB-11, Audio-GD Compass II (ES9018) or the NAD D1050 if you want solid state or the Schiit Bifrost Uber (with USB) and Valhalla tube amp if you want to take the tube route.
The person I ordered the vali from sold it to buy the Valhalla 2 iirc.

I also think tubes>solid state they just sound more natural and alive (coloured) rather than clinical
I don't want to overdo the tube sound though. I already have what is in effect a tube "conditioner" with the buffer stage of the T1 and my main headphones are very smooth too. I love the whole smooth valve sound but I don't want to push it so far that I start to lose detail in the highs.
You been using the rocket?

Mullard 6DJ8 - several NOS on the bay for around £30 - it's what I'm using and the sound is beautiful, good bass, great mids and smooth highs. The sound stage isn't quite as large as the EH6922 but is much bigger than the Voskhods.

There are also a couple of Amperex PQ on there for under a tenner for two. They are used but at that price should be snapped up ASAP.
I'd probably go for the 1m QED Profile Stereo Interconnect which is less than £20 up the river in that case.
The Rocket has a very "in your face" sound, the Amperex should be smoother and more relaxing with a larger sound stage.
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