Australian GP 2009 - Race 1/17 (NOT in HD BTW)


Schumi hugs his old dear friend Ross Brawn... aww. Wouldn't it be awesome if Schumi joined Brawn GP when his Ferrari consultancy contract expires mid-year (I think so?) Not as a racer but as a PR and consultancy coup ;)
Irvines own website
if that was wrong dont you think he would get it changed

You would think so wouldn't you :), if you click on British on that Wiki page it links to another Wiki page that explains about Britain, UK etc etc.

BTW as Irvine was born in Northern Ireland be can also apply for a Republic of Ireland passport so its possible he hasn't got a UK passport.
Just finished watching the race - very entertaining - especially Rosberg and Glock who were doing some nice passes - KERS definitely makes it interesting, especially when only some are using it - I dont think it will last in F1 long, but the graphics really helped in understanding where it was being used - perhaps a standardised KERS package is needed as a long-term solution...

Unsure if theres any debate to the final standings so assuming they stand. Surprised Barrichello didnt get a slap on the wrist as he was driving Sato style at the start of the race (Im sure the stewards will remind him of professional conduct before the next race). Sigh at Kubica and Vettel - I think Vettel was right to defend the line and Kubica made an honest pass, it was definitely a 50/50 worth trying - just went so wrong - disappointed it was them two as they, with Hamiton, are the future of the sport...

Got to admit that other than Button everyone else lucked out in their positions - having 3rd to 5th all coming from the back of the grid is unheard of - I dont think it was genuine pace, they just kept out of trouble and the safety cars helped them along (which is fine, just doesnt illustrate their ulimate pace/speed)...

DotD has to be Button (Rosberg in 2nd) - Ive seen him (and Heidfield) drive in GP2 and be really competitive and Im glad hes got another bite of the apple. The win wasnt commanding like I would expect from Hamilton/Kimi etc, but at the end of the day, he got pole, he drove from the front and never gave up 1st - what can you say other than it was a perfect drive. Might even dust off my Button BAR/Honda hat ;)

Kudos to Brawn GP (and Honda) - you really made a cracking car, considering all the rumours of you concentrating on this years car, last year Im just glad its bourne some fruit. I dont know if you will be title contenders (the gap is a lot closer than people think already) but what a miracle so far. Looks like Red Bull, Brawn GP and BMW could be the main 3 - Ferrari and McLaren will be there, but I dont think theyll be at the very tip of the sharp end (McLaren dont appear to have 2 drivers that can develop the car well and I doubt Ferrari will be a force when it comes to much stricter testing and budgets)...

And please Richard Branson, stay off the TV next race, I really dont want you to be Hamiltons Dads replacement :rolleyes:

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Rubens was tapped by Heikki which is how that whole accident started.
Ahhh merci, thought it might have been the case but didnt see any confirmation in the replays...

Pops up whenever he can on TV to give insight to how well they are doing and fake modesty throughout the season :p. Understood why he was there today and what a publicity boon for him, just hope hes not there to become the public face of Brawn GP just because hes a major sponsor...

ps3ud0 :cool:
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Great race, much less attrition than normal, only one retirement from mechanical failure (FM), two if you put Piquet but he's hardly renowned for staying on track... There were only 6 finished last year! Engines and the cars as a whole seem better put together which can only be a good thing. LH was in shot more than JB, mainly because he was over-taking stuff. Watching Glock put some cheeky moves in, RK and Vettel battling and Rubens driving his Brawn Bulldozer(tm) literlyy THROUGH the field - proper racing!!!

JB did one of the most difficult things and lead from start to finish, no messing, little drama and keeping it on the road. You don't win races from the barriers. Vettel and Kubica will end up being great entertainment this year, it's going to be Fred/Hamilton-stylee fun which will again add to the spectacle of F1 - something we have been deprived of for the last few years. Judging only on today and testing, there are probably 10 or 12 drivers out there who could win races - the two BGP's, 2 Ferrari, 2 BMW, 2 McLarens, Vettel and Alonso and even the two Toyota's if things went their way.

Can't wait until Malaysia!!!:D
Kitchster_uk, I agree with you mostly there.

However, I wouldn't class Heidfeld as a race winner nor Heikki unless he has a blistering qualifying session. They could win if things go wrong for other drivers. A mass of retirements but out and out pace from qualifying to race pace, I dont think they can cut it.

I do see the possbility of Kubica, Button, Rubens, Alonso, Vettel, Massa, Kimi and Hamilton battling for race victories though.

Malaysia is going to be intresting to see if the Brawn GP cars turn up and pretty much show everyone how its done again. Huge improvements have to be made from the Ferrari and McLaren boys or else thier drivers and constructors title chances could be gone so soon into the season.
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Id add Rosberg to that list Bennah, if the Williams boyz can find the sweet spot and NR can dial the car into a track this year, I think they will be onto a winner!
I'm been thinking back, trying to measure up what Button is like under pressure. I remember him taking on MS and Barrichello in Ferraris in the wet without issue and a few battles with Alonso, but I only recall a couple of mistakes which have led to accidents. That time in Monaco, one early on in the Williams. Otherwise, he's kept it pretty clean and tidy despite being a mid field racer.

The potential is there for some interesting front end racing, it's going to be hard for anyone to run away from 2nd place. That BGP car looks like it's glued to the circuit though, and the onboard pole lap from Jenson looks very handy, some great commitment from him there.

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