If he did, that incident isn't even remotely comparable to what happened today.
Well, I'm sorry to wade in at the end here with a horrible post but unfortunately I couldn't resist any longer.
There are some members here who have my respect, even if I don't necessarily agree with what they post. JRS for example is someone who I definitely don't always agree with, and yet despite some pathetic responses from me in the past, I can definitely take his points on board because he puts them across well.
That all said, MY GOD there are some appalling "F1 fans" in here. Some of the utter tripe posted over the last few pages borders on the type of 'fanboi' stuff that gets posted in Consoles or Graphics. The total lambasting of Hamilton after one race where he feels aggrieved at losing what could very well have been a great result is just frankly laughable. So apparently now McLaren are going to be looking at getting rid of him because he's too much trouble? Because now they have a new golden boy in Jenson? Give over FFS...
Anyway, now I've vented a little, don't worry about dignifying me with a response
. I'll leave you all to it!