Baby killers, what's the fastest you've done in your car?

120 ish in my old 323i
110 in 330d - should be able to do around 150 (indicated) but wouldnt try it
123mph in a vw caddy van going down a hill felt fairly stable which was surprising.

but out of all the cars ive driven the most impressive was my first car a pug 1.1 with two passengers and topped over 110 indicated :o felt like it was going to blow up.. never doing that again...
yeah, hence the indicated part. will need to get mine running propery again then maybe look at putting it on RR to see where it is.
What is v-max for a CSL, i was a passenger at indicated 160 but it felt like it could do more - brutal car and the induction noise makes me smile now just thinking about it. (obv not on public highway)

Myself, i never go over 70 being the law abiding citizen that i am.
203-204 kph ish indicated, 196 kph on GPS, ( 121 mph), was surprised it still did such a speed after 14 years. In the car.

Only 55 kph indicated on the moped, and that felt VERY unsafe ( last owner told it would do 65kph) . I'm still a little bit scared of going any faster on 2 wheels, I crashed it at a far lower speed the first day I had my drivers license. Which is also the reason I won't try proper bikes until I'm at least 25 or older...
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About 110 on the clock in a car

148 I think on the clock on a bike

137 on a bike two up

All obviously on the Autobahn. My mum and dad did 165 on the clock two up with 52 litre topbox and two fortysomething litre sidecases on their Blackbird in Spain.
F-Reg X Demo Saphhire Cozzy about 18 months old in white with Black leather.
5 up just come out of a club in Colchester & hit the A12, A Jock in the back asked me if I was ""Gonna show us what it canna do" Sort of. :p
Next thing that was said was by my mate in the passenger seat when he said "You're Red lining" :D so I slipped it into Fifth, When I glanced down I was doing 152 MPH & still pulling, It was Amazing how quick the bridges on the horizon came & went with a Big Whoooosh. :cool:

*This whole post is a Figment of my Imagination & Never happened Mr Officer*

**No Babys were harmed in the making of this post**
It's practice, not age. Your sense of balance doesn't get magically better when you hit 25.

But hopefully I'll grow up and not be an idiot on them by then.

I still ride the moped to work on days with nice weather as it's cheaper and on the way there it's faster...
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