So more rule changes from 2010
When will they ever stop with the rule changes!
Anyway, regarding the refueling. Im abit disappoined that its gone. Ive always like to see the different tactics and fuel loads used by the teams for a number of reasons. It always gave us some unexpected qualifying pole positions / grid positions and good race viewing.
So, larger fuel tanks needed then? Hence why they have increased the minimum weight limit. Race distances to stay the same? Surely this is going to make the cars slower with the manufacturers designing 'greener', more fuel efficent engines.
Saying that though, I guess with it gone, it will make qualfiying more balanced across the board. It will be down to the raw pace of the car. Qualifying change will definatly be needed.
Regards the tyre warmers, why take them away? I dont really see the point in it tbh. Isn't F1 trying to be more safter?
Just got this from Lee McKenzie's twitter page. Talking about the budget caps.
Teams who join up will be allowed more technical freedom,movable wings,no rev limit for engines,unlimited out-of-season track testing
Huge benefits if you stay within budget. No brainer really!