I giggled
. I was going to leave it in, damned apple spelling.
I giggled
Well this suggests you did intend it in the way it read.
Yeah it's a pretty outrageous; clearly you did not mean that they are analogous...your agenda goes to far, spoffle.
Why are people talking about me being violent all of a sudden ? I never said anything about violence. You guys are the ones talking about violence. I never threatened physical abuse on any one. Go re read my posts. All I wanted was a five minute face to face discussion.
Why are people talking about me being violent all of a sudden ? I never said anything about violence. You guys are the ones talking about violence. I never threatened physical abuse on any one. Go re read my posts. All I wanted was a five minute face to face discussion.
You're reading things into what I said that I never actually said. Assumption just makes you look foolish.
I'd love 5 minutes in a room with you m8. Just 5 minutes, that's all I'd need.
Hahaha this is great!
Even if you didn't mean it you came across like a total radgie!
"I'd love 5 minutes in a room with you m8. Just 5 minutes, that's all I'd need."
I'm finding it hard to see how that's not threatening, but if you say you didn't mean it like that then fair enough. Doesn't make it any less funny.
Also, "real life"? What's not real about this conversation exactly? Is anything text based "Not real life" but some alternate existence that is only loosely related to the "real" on you're living?
It only means they need to promote equality of opportunity to person of different political opinion (this is covered under the UK legislation as well underther terms Religion or Belief as Belief can be Political Belief. So you cannot discriminate against someone becasue they are a Unionist for example) the support or the opposition to Same Sex Marriage is an argument for or against a legal position, it doesn't constitute a political belief in and of itslef, therefore nor does it mean that they can be forced to associate or support another's opinion on changing a legal act through political means. Same Sex Marriage in itself is not a political opinion, it is a legal concept.
Same Sex Marriage is illegal in Northern Ireland, the recognition of Same Sex Marriage in States where it is legal is not, however the recognition only extends as far as ensuring they received the same rights and protections as a Civil Partnership in Northern Ireland, which is legal and you have said this yourself, it is not extending them the same rights as they might receive in the country where they married....pedantic, but a quite important point, being as the disagreement revolves around the legality of conducting and recognising Same Sex Marriage conducted in Northern Ireland and not the rest of the UK and elsewhere.
No way do people argue like this in real life. I know you're being purposely obtuse. RL and IRL are staples of internet jargon.
People are much more "in your face" and opinionated online cos they have an audience. Most of the loudmouths on here are probably mice in a strange social situation.
So now your saying thier marriage does have value?
Your stance seem inconsistent and seemingly made up on the spot.
No way do people argue like this in real life. I know you're being purposely obtuse. RL and IRL are staples of internet jargon.
People are much more "in your face" and opinionated online cos they have an audience. Most of the loudmouths on here are probably mice in a strange social situation.
Their happiness and subsequent productivity has a value, yes. Their marriage does not. As I said, that they can parrot other heterosexuals is what negates the potential trivilaisation a childless marriage has. Homosexuals do not have that luxury.
Their happiness and subsequent productivity has a value, yes. Their marriage does not. As I said, that they can parrot other heterosexuals is what negates the potential trivilaisation a childless marriage has. Homosexuals do not have that luxury.
Well I'm glad you find it funny and can see it in a lighter side. To be honest, I can see how it seemed aggressive, but I never meant I wanted to beat him up. I meant I'd dress him down verbally and tell him exactly what I thought. Something I can not do on these forums because I'd get suspended for insulting him and swearies. Hence the 5 minutes in a room, away from these forums.
Well I'm glad you find it funny and can see it in a lighter side. To be honest, I can see how it seemed aggressive, but I never meant I wanted to beat him up. I meant I'd dress him down verbally and tell him exactly what I thought. Something I can not do on these forums because I'd get suspended for insulting him and swearies. Hence the 5 minutes in a room, away from these forums.
Thread in terminal nose dive :/
Most of them may be, but you'll have to take my word for it that I am not one of them. I am very outspoken.
Also, extensive use of "in real life" doesn't validate its use in anyway. To say "in real life" implies that you're somehow playing a game by visiting a forum, or pretending to be someone you aren't.
"In person" is the entirely accurate way of saying what you mean, and there is no ambiguity there.