Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

So **** if it's offensive. Grow up. Act like an adult. Get over it. People do offensive things every single day and you know what - normal human beings forget about it.

Here's the thing, I have every right to be as offensive as I want to you. You have every right to be offended. Just because you're offended however doesn't take away my right to offend you.

If I want to tell you that you're a bald chimp and your wife looks like a dogs scrotum - I can.

People say/do dumb things from time to time, some people say/do dumb things all the time, being offensive is one of those dumb things. Sadly sometimes people just can't control it, other times it's completely inadvertent and then yes, it can be deliberate.

Being offended, however, is a choice. You can choose not to be offended. Some people even pay to go and see some comedians be offensive for a living. Getting offended over things just strikes me as pathetic however.

I've been discriminated against. I've been racially abused.
I didn't cry about it, I simply thought 'meh, morons' and got on with my life.

As for the legality bit - well sometimes laws go too far don't they?

Enjoy that link for examples.

Someone doesn't understand the difference between being a **** to someone and discriminating against a class of person protected by LAW.

If I walk up to you in the street and call you a pillow biter there is nothing you can do about it, if you come into my shop and I say no I won't serve you because you are a pillow biter then that is ILLEGAL.

It's sad that I have to preface this but I am in NO WAY trying to equate the struggles of race to that of sexuality but I'm guessing black people should have just took it on the chin and stop being babies in the 50s/60s right?
That not at all what you originally stated, not even close, so stop back tracking and trying to make it look like you are arguing a different point.
Anyone with half a brain would have seen through an excuse, instead of being child like they told them like adults.

how am I back tracking?? I said they bleated on about having their religious beliefs offended...which they the gay couple...even you have to admit that, because ashers have already admitted that

they gave a foolish unprofessional reason that any sane business person would have realised would have left them open to a claim of discrimination, irrespective of whether 'anyone with half a brain would have seen through an excuse' it would have been impossible for the gay couple to have proved it was an excuse.
No you see in an effort to make the troubles look like they weren't simply based in religious bigotry the two sides were renamed loyalists and republicans to the rest of the world, so loyalist is protestant and republican means catholic in terms of the troubles and the North of Ireland in particular.

Lol, oh dear.
That's not what happened though, they took the order to make a cake for them, it wasn't till they came into the shop with the slogan and image they wanted on the cake they where then told they wouldn't do it.

so why couldn't they have just come up with a less discriminatory reason for not producing the cake. if they had then none of this would have gotten anywhere near a court of law. my point all along (which you have been ignoring) is that the Christian factions in Northern Ireland are perpetually offended and are all to quick to let people know when they are offended. why not take a leaf out the book both sides profess to follow - turn the other cheek - show a bit of, understanding. hell just show a bit of intelligence from time to time
Someone doesn't understand the difference between being a **** to someone and discriminating against a class of person protected by LAW.

If I walk up to you in the street and call you a pillow biter there is nothing you can do about it, if you come into my shop and I say no I won't serve you because you are a pillow biter then that is ILLEGAL.

It's sad that I have to preface this but I am in NO WAY trying to equate the struggles of race to that of sexuality but I'm guessing black people should have just took it on the chin and stop being babies in the 50s/60s right?

Yeah. that's totally the same isn't it. answer me this, why is it some people's religious beliefs are protected then but not others? Why are sexual beliefs trumped by religious ones?
Why are some people's personal freedoms impacted at the expense of others. being served cake is not a civil right.
Also note that they weren't offered a different service to anyone else. Nobody could have a cake with that statement on whether gay or straight. discrimination!
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how am I back tracking?? I said they bleated on about having their religious beliefs offended...which they the gay couple...even you have to admit that, because ashers have already admitted that

they gave a foolish unprofessional reason that any sane business person would have realised would have left them open to a claim of discrimination, irrespective of whether 'anyone with half a brain would have seen through an excuse' it would have been impossible for the gay couple to have proved it was an excuse.

When? The only face to face they had with them was in the shop, when exactly did they come walking into them slamming a bible in their faces.
so why couldn't they have just come up with a less discriminatory reason for not producing the cake. if they had then none of this would have gotten anywhere near a court of law. my point all along (which you have been ignoring) is that the Christian factions in Northern Ireland are perpetually offended and are all to quick to let people know when they are offended. why not take a leaf out the book both sides profess to follow - turn the other cheek - show a bit of, understanding. hell just show a bit of intelligence from time to time

They didn't say they where offended, at any point, they said it was there belief. Maybe because they thought they www talking to reasonable understanding adults? Not wanting to waste their time making excuses?
Hardly see any big Christian values being trusted here in Belfast, hardly see it at all if you choose not to.
Yeah. that's totally the same isn't it. answer me this, why is it some people's religious beliefs are protected then but not others? Why are sexual beliefs trumped by religious ones?
Why are some people's personal freedoms impacted at the expense of others. being served cake is not a civil right.

A business doesn't have personal freedoms, it's not a person.

Equal treatment regardless of colour, religion, gender or sexuality [is] a civil right.
No I'm not wrong in the way I used the terms, you just don't understand the nuance.

I do, but your basically learning the completely wrong terminology from Fox news.
My whole family have a background, none of them are close to being a loyalist.
Republicanism died they day Collins signed his own life away.
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Yeah. that's totally the same isn't it. answer me this, why is it some people's religious beliefs are protected then but not others? Why are sexual beliefs trumped by religious ones?
Why are some people's personal freedoms impacted at the expense of others. being served cake is not a civil right.

Sexuality isn't a belief. Religion is also a class protected by anti discrimination laws btw.

The problem is they opened a shop that served the public, anti discrimination laws say they cannot deny service a protected class based on their race, gender, sexuality, religion, etc..

If a Christian couple went into a bakers owned by gay people and asked for an anti gay marriage cake and the bakers said no because they believe that gays should be able to get married then they would be breaking the law as well.
When? The only face to face they had with them was in the shop, when exactly did they come walking into them slamming a bible in their faces.

where did I say they slammed a bible in their faces. you're taking the literal meaning out of my 'bible thumping' term. you know exactly what I mean. seems you're almost being offended for the sake of being offended ;)

when they had their face to face, why not just diffuse the situation and tell a little white lie (or is that against their beliefs too)
But they didn't deny them a service! That's the point. They would have refused to put that statement on anyone's cake be they straight or gay!
I do, but your basically learning the completely wrong terminology from Fox news.
My whole family have a background, none of them are close to being a loyalist.
Republicanism died they day Collins signed his own life away.

To you lot that may be the case but not to the rest of the world.

They two terms are political constructs when the two sides are scrapping they are never called protestant or catholic they are called republican and loyalist communities.
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where did I say they slammed a bible in their faces. you're taking the literal meaning out of my 'bible thumping' term. you know exactly what I mean. seems you're almost being offended for the sake of being offended ;)

when they had their face to face, why not just diffuse the situation and tell a little white lie (or is that against their beliefs too)

Because they thought they might be speaking to reasonable adults, then went on to give them suggestions of other bakers that could do it for them?
To you lot that may be the case but not to the rest of the world.

Actually I'm thinking more of the world knows what a Republican is, or Loyalism, these are not terms reserved for NI.
"us lot", must have learned to read for ourselves then.
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