Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

That's one of the main points of discussion here. That refusing to serve someone something because of your beliefs shouldn't be illegal.

I wouldn't go into a Halal or Kosher meat store and demand pork. Equally if I went into a butcher not knowing it was Halal or Kosher I wouldn't kick up a stink if I asked for pork and got the old stink eye - infact I'd probably apologise and leave.

Now I don't imagine that there's anything in this bakers that says they will make cakes with homosexual slogans or remarks on, so they haven't refused to do something they say they will.

If you can't deal with the fact that other adults may not like your life choices then I'm sorry but I think you need to grow up a little. It's not as if they were chased out in to the street and beaten with sticks is it?

Actually, you are completely wrong. The baker offered a service to write text on a cake. This service was illegally restricted to clients based on their sexuality.

That is entirely different to going to a shop and asking for something which they don't sell. If you can't see that difference then you should seek help.
What? They did nothing of the sort, they where happy to make them a cake, then they came along with the slogan. They said now as it was not their belief?
It was these two men that made a big deal out of the whole situation, Ashers manager didn't even say a word till the hearing, what are you talking about!?

They did everything of the sort. From the get go it was all about their religious beliefs being offended and they couldn't bring themselves to create a cake with a motto/design that went against their beliefs and plenty was said long before the hearing. For what it's worth I'm actually on the side of the bakers and they should be allowed to decide who they serve and what they serve but how they handled it was typical of Northern Ireland. That was the point to my post.
Making a gay marriage cake is out of the norm, if you knew the bakery, and every one around here does, they are well know, theirs little chance you would not know this walking in.

Tough **** if you can't continue a business within the Queens law of the land close the business end of story.
But not if the reason to refuse to serve you is both offensive and illegal.

So **** if it's offensive. Grow up. Act like an adult. Get over it. People do offensive things every single day and you know what - normal human beings forget about it.

Here's the thing, I have every right to be as offensive as I want to you. You have every right to be offended. Just because you're offended however doesn't take away my right to offend you.

If I want to tell you that you're a bald chimp and your wife looks like a dogs scrotum - I can.

People say/do dumb things from time to time, some people say/do dumb things all the time, being offensive is one of those dumb things. Sadly sometimes people just can't control it, other times it's completely inadvertent and then yes, it can be deliberate.

Being offended, however, is a choice. You can choose not to be offended. Some people even pay to go and see some comedians be offensive for a living. Getting offended over things just strikes me as pathetic however.

I've been discriminated against. I've been racially abused.
I didn't cry about it, I simply thought 'meh, morons' and got on with my life.

As for the legality bit - well sometimes laws go too far don't they?

Enjoy that link for examples.
Making a gay marriage cake is out of the norm, if you knew the bakery, and every one around here does, they are well know, theirs little chance you would not know this walking in.

It's not. It's a cake with some writing on. That's a service they offer.

The bakery being well known doesn't make it ok. Their discrimination is illegal. Any other crime this wouldn't be ok. If everyone knew Dave is a mugger, it doesn't make it ok for him to go mug someone.
So **** if it's offensive. Grow up. Act like an adult. Get over it. People do offensive things every single day and you know what - normal human beings forget about it.

Here's the thing, I have every right to be as offensive as I want to you. You have every right to be offended. Just because you're offended however doesn't take away my right to offend you.

If I want to tell you that you're a bald chimp and your wife looks like a dogs scrotum - I can.

People say/do dumb things from time to time, some people say/do dumb things all the time, being offensive is one of those dumb things. Sadly sometimes people just can't control it, other times it's completely inadvertent and then yes, it can be deliberate.

Being offended, however, is a choice. You can choose not to be offended. Some people even pay to go and see some comedians be offensive for a living. Getting offended over things just strikes me as pathetic however.

I've been discriminated against. I've been racially abused.
I didn't cry about it, I simply thought 'meh, morons' and got on with my life.

As for the legality bit - well sometimes laws go too far don't they?

Enjoy that link for examples.

"2. In Indonesia, the penalty for masturbation is decapitation (8%)"

Thats 99% of the people on these forums!! lol :D
Hang on everybody I thought the reason Putin was a baddy and Muzzies were backwards fools is because they are mean to gays, different thread different opinions eh????
No, because Christians are not insufferable Social-Justice warriors and would just go somewhere else and get on with their lives.

This pretty much, why didn't they just go somewhere else or better yet just order a normal cake and respect their beliefs? instead they felt the need to ruin somebody's life and business for what? a cake.

I wonder what would happen if I went into Muslim bakery and asked for a cake that promoted homosexuality or even worse an image of the Prophet Muhammad on the front? Quite simple, They would refuse and nobody would touch the story because they're Muslim.

But it's okay to troll Christians because most of them are white, it's disgraceful.

I'm not religious at all but there are some things you just don't do.
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What if you went into a muslim bakers and asked them for a cake with a cartoon of Muhammed on it? Would you be in your rights to take them to court if they objected because it was against their religion to make a cake like that?
They did everything of the sort. From the get go it was all about their religious beliefs being offended and they couldn't bring themselves to create a cake with a motto/design that went against their beliefs and plenty was said long before the hearing. For what it's worth I'm actually on the side of the bakers and they should be allowed to decide who they serve and what they serve but how they handled it was typical of Northern Ireland. That was the point to my post.

NONE of that was said, nothing of the sort, at all, ever. Go find a source.
They did not say one word about it to anyone till the gay couple said they where taking them to court.
Hang on everybody I thought the reason Putin was a baddy and Muzzies were backwards fools is because they are mean to gays, different thread different opinions eh????

You're a special sort sometimes you know that?

There's a difference between throwing suspected homosexuals off buildings, stoning them and gluing up their anuses to refusing to sell them a bloody cake.

Sort yourself out.
It's not. It's a cake with some writing on. That's a service they offer.

The bakery being well known doesn't make it ok. Their discrimination is illegal. Any other crime this wouldn't be ok. If everyone knew Dave is a mugger, it doesn't make it ok for him to go mug someone.

Again, trying to make a point extreme, doesn't make a point, so stop it.
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