Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

No it isn't. Not all people who are against gays, or gay marriage want to actually remove the rights of people. Some just dislike it and won't acknowledge that it's "real" marriage. There doesn't have to he a hate component.

Often there is, but that isn't a prerequisite.

Additionally, I doubt they are actually fearful of gays.

If they aren't against gays why are they against gay marriage, it makes no difference in their lives. People just say that to try and avoid backlash.

No one said they are fearful of gays, language is adapted to fit the times, being homophobic doesn't mean they are afraid of gays.

Well the bakery did not contravene the rights of the gay guy. He could continue being gay and even make his own gay cake.

Are you dense or can't you read?

Denying to make a cake for a gay guy because he is gay is against the freaking law.
No it's not. They don't have the same rights as a private citizen, they opened a shop that serve the public, they CANNOT by LAW discriminate against people.

There seems to be a massive misunderstanding. A private business is not a public service. Business usually have the right of admission reserved and have the right to do business with whoever they want, historically. It is only a recent development thanks to SJW types that has led to this new trend of claiming that business owners don't have the right to discriminate. In fact business owners discriminate constantly. When selecting suppliers, when deciding on the look for their business. When deciding what employees to hire. The difference is that certain characteristics are some how more important than others. While it is ok to discriminate against some one with tattoos or piercing apparently it is not acceptable to discriminate against someone who likes homosexual sex. While I think that is completely irrational and ridiculous, many people don't and this is where we disagree.
The term 'white privilege' is racist. You are a racist.
It's not a racist term you are thinking of white supremacists, I'm also

There seems to be a massive misunderstanding. A private business is not a public service. Business usually have the right of admission reserved and have the right to do business with whoever they want, historically. It is only a recent development thanks to SJW types that has led to this new trend of claiming that business owners don't have the right to discriminate. In fact business owners discriminate constantly. When selecting suppliers, when deciding on the look for their business. When deciding what employees to hire. The difference is that certain characteristics are some how more important than others. While it is ok to discriminate against some one with tattoos or piercing apparently it is not acceptable to discriminate against someone who likes homosexual sex. While I think that is completely irrational and ridiculous, many people don't and this is where we disagree.
They aren't a private business. They are a chain that serves the public, the same public who are protected by equality laws. Christ.
If they aren't against gays why are they against gay marriage, it makes no difference in their lives. People just say that to try and avoid backlash.

They can be both against gays, and gay marriage in as far as not agreeing with or acknowledging it.

That doesn't take the rights away from anyone to disagree or refuse to acknowledge it.

No one said they are fearful of gays, language is adapted to fit the times, being homophobic doesn't mean they are afraid of gays.

A phobia is a fear. Calling this homophobia is just sensationalist.
It's not a racist term, I'm also

They aren't a private business. They are a chain that serves the public, the same public who are protected by equality laws. Christ.

Private business can and do serve the public. It doesn't make them a public service. The police, for example, are a public service.
Lol of course you can if the sexuality in question is criminal.

Correct that you can, though we should examine the morality of whether we should.

Being gay was once illegal, after all.

Should we discriminate against paedophiles, and those who support paedos? Well yes, we should - there is provable actual harm which comes from their actions, harm which is not willingly shouldered by the recipient - they don't consent.
Correct that you can, though we should examine the morality of whether we should.

Being gay was once illegal, after all.

Should we discriminate against paedophiles, and those who support paedos? Well yes, we should - there is provable actual harm which comes from their actions, harm which is not willingly shouldered by the recipient - they don't consent.

There's a distinct difference though, having that persuasion doesn't mean they were actually act upon it, which causes actual issues itself.

People can't seek help for getting desires they consciously don't want, because of the way society responds.

When a paediatrician gets mobbed by the local troggos because they're so thick that they think it means pedophile, you can kinda understand why someone who has those sort of issues might not want to try and get help.
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