Not all Christians try to suppress homosexuals.
Two blokes getting married in some cases offend those who hold the strongest beliefs in their faith. There are many many things in today's society that do the same thing which we accept.
Criticising a belief as a made up story doesn't reinforce your comments, it makes you look foolish for dismissing something many believe in as such.
Only they demonstrably DON'T hold the strongest beliefs as the bits about homosexuality in the Bible are few and far between whilst there are much stronger and clearer condemnations of other actions which these devout Christians break everyday.
What is the clearest and most important tennants that the Bible says it's followers should live by? The 10 commandments right? Let's look at them shall we....
1) You shall have no other gods before Me.
2) You shall not make idols.
3) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5) Honor your father and your mother.
6) You shall not murder.
7) You shall not commit adultery.
8) You shall not steal.
9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10) You shall not covet (They neighbour's house, animals etc).
So someone whose genuinely opposition to gay marraige must have to also support these ideas first...
1) All religions outside Christianity should be made illegal and no places of worship other than churches should be allowed to be built.
2) Posters of celebrities, football teams etc should be banned
3) A return of Middle-ages blasemephy laws
4) A complete ban on Sunday working
5) Being rude to your parents should be a criminal offence
6) Already law
7) Cheating on a partner should be a criminal offence
8) Already law
9) Already law (libel/slander)
10) Estate agents should be banned from advertising properties for sale
So out of the 10 main and most important laws/sins, we only take legal action against three of them and I don.t see Christian groups protesting the rest.
So please explain how someone can have a "deeply held religious belief" against homosexuality whilst not having an issue with Estate Agents or football stickers?