Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

This is getting to be a 'thing' now,
groups disagreeing and then instead of discussing the issue they just try and ruin that person's business.

They did the same by being offended over Dolce & Gabbana's comments about gay adoption, with Elton John having a hissy fit and boycotting their products.

I don't care what someone's opinion is, they have a right to believe whatever they want.

These homosexual activists really are just scumbags of the highest order.
Petition now setup trying to force Tesco from stocking products from the Ashers bakery.

This is intolerance and hatred from the homosexual activists.

Prove it.

I don't hate Ashers nor want them to be barred from selling cakes.

If we were just flinging accusations around then I would say that it is anti-gay activists setting it up to make gays look bad. (see how ridiculous it sounds?)

These homosexual activists really are just scumbags of the highest order.

It must be nice living such a privileged life where you haven't faced injustice or an assault on your way of life enough that you think gay rights activists are scumbags for wanting to bring inequality into the light. The only way to gain equality is to get noticed and the only way to do that is to bring up petty things like this.
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Prove it.

I don't hate Ashers nor want them to be barred from selling cakes.

If we were just flinging accusations around then I would say that it is anti-gay activists setting it up to make gays look bad. (see how ridiculous it sounds?)

I don't need to prove the obvious. This is tyranny.
It must be nice living such a privileged life where you haven't faced injustice or an assault on your way of life enough that you think gay rights activists are scumbags for wanting to bring inequality into the light.

Check your gay privilege

They are scumbags because they want to bully and suppress the human rights of people.

Petition now setup trying to force Tesco from stocking products from the Ashers bakery.

This is intolerance and hatred from the homosexual activists.

Surely this is essentially just the gay activists doing the same thing they accused Ashers of. Attempting to get Tesco to stop supplying Ashers products as a result of their position on gay marriage which comes from their religious beliefs.

If that is allowed then surely it is a slipperly slop which in fairness would then have to allow a company to not supply products from a company that was deemed to have gay, black, white, disabled or any other sympathies if that company should not want to supply their products because of disagreeing with their views.

That said my position is still that a company / people running it in most cases can follow their personal views to a certain degree.... however to me it seems to be hypocrisy from certain gay activists.
Not all Christians try to suppress homosexuals.

Two blokes getting married in some cases offend those who hold the strongest beliefs in their faith. There are many many things in today's society that do the same thing which we accept.

Criticising a belief as a made up story doesn't reinforce your comments, it makes you look foolish for dismissing something many believe in as such.

Only they demonstrably DON'T hold the strongest beliefs as the bits about homosexuality in the Bible are few and far between whilst there are much stronger and clearer condemnations of other actions which these devout Christians break everyday.

What is the clearest and most important tennants that the Bible says it's followers should live by? The 10 commandments right? Let's look at them shall we....

1) You shall have no other gods before Me.
2) You shall not make idols.
3) You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.
4) Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.
5) Honor your father and your mother.
6) You shall not murder.
7) You shall not commit adultery.
8) You shall not steal.
9) You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
10) You shall not covet (They neighbour's house, animals etc).

So someone whose genuinely opposition to gay marraige must have to also support these ideas first...

1) All religions outside Christianity should be made illegal and no places of worship other than churches should be allowed to be built.

2) Posters of celebrities, football teams etc should be banned

3) A return of Middle-ages blasemephy laws

4) A complete ban on Sunday working

5) Being rude to your parents should be a criminal offence

6) Already law

7) Cheating on a partner should be a criminal offence

8) Already law

9) Already law (libel/slander)

10) Estate agents should be banned from advertising properties for sale

So out of the 10 main and most important laws/sins, we only take legal action against three of them and I don.t see Christian groups protesting the rest.

So please explain how someone can have a "deeply held religious belief" against homosexuality whilst not having an issue with Estate Agents or football stickers?
This is getting to be a 'thing' now,
groups disagreeing and then instead of discussing the issue they just try and ruin that person's business.

They did the same by being offended over Dolce & Gabbana's comments about gay adoption, with Elton John having a hissy fit and boycotting their products.

I don't care what someone's opinion is, they have a right to believe whatever they want.

Totally agree. Elton John should be forced by law to but Dolce & Gabbana's products.
They're not being denied freedom of conscience. There's nothing unconscionable about making a cake in favour of gay people, in the same way that there is nothing unconscionable about making a cake in favour of black people.

Yes, race and sexuality are different, but neither are a choice.
It must be nice living such a privileged life where you haven't faced injustice or an assault on your way of life enough that you think gay rights activists are scumbags for wanting to bring inequality into the light. The only way to gain equality is to get noticed and the only way to do that is to bring up petty things like this.

Everyone faces injustice, as a CIS Male with threats of genocide against my kind, I could not check in for the appointment for my son's birth certificate, even though I have booked it and my wife isn't even a citizen of this country. Doing a tactical strike on a Christian bakers to get them sued for not making a CAKE is pure scum.
Everyone faces injustice, as a CIS Male with threats of genocide against my kind, I could not check in for the appointment for my son's birth certificate, even though I have booked it and my wife isn't even a citizen of this country. Doing a tactical strike on a Christian bakers to get them sued for not making a CAKE is pure scum.

Suffering that and still not being able to empathise with people who face ACTUAL threats against themselves purely because they like the same gender, disgusting.
Suffering that and still not being able to empathise with people who face ACTUAL threats against themselves purely because they like the same gender, disgusting.

Every group faces ACTUAL threats and daily injustice, a CAKE is nothing. I'd consider a citizen of this country having less rights than a Russian a real injustice than a CAKE
Every group faces ACTUAL threats and daily injustice, a CAKE is nothing. I'd consider a citizen of this country having less rights than a Russian a real injustice than a CAKE

It's not about a ******* cake, it's about the principle of denying service to someone because they are gay. A) It's illegal and B) It's immoral.

What threats to straight white males have to deal with daily?

How many news articles are people killing themselves because of the torture they recieve purely because who they love, how many news articles have been in the news where people have had severe beatings because they are gay, how many news articles have there been of people being killed because they are gay.
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