Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

Seems to be a lot of fuss over nothing, the bakers refused to make the cake, didn't make the cake, were fined over it, still didn't make the cake and won't ever make the cake. Stuck to their guns well I'd say.

Besides it was the message that was the problem I understand. Not the gay couple. The bakers would have refused the message for a straight couple too.

Non event.

Hahaha :D
So what happens if I being straight, walked into a bakery run by religious folk and asked for a cake with a gay slogan, they then refuse to serve me, because of what's on the cake.

Can I complain or do I just go cakeless?
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Race. Is. Protected. By. The. Equality. Act.

Nazi. Symbolism. Is. Associated. With. Racism.

One. Can. Deny. To. Make. A. Nazi. Cake. And. Be. Protected. Under. Said. Act.

Illegal. Or. Not.

Did I say it slow enough for you to comprehend?

I didn't think such a display of idiocy was possible. Thanks for surprising me.
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