Bakers refuse Gay wedding cake - update: Supreme Court rules in favour of Bakers

Yes, because that is not equality. The Christian makes a choice to be Christian. The homosexual makes no choice in being homosexual.

That's not really it.

One is a message of support for equal rights

The other is a message seeking to deny equal rights.

The hypothetical cake with a Christian message of denying gay marriage is not seeking to promote christian rights, rather it's seeking to depress gay rights
Yes, because that is not equality. The Christian makes a choice to be Christian. The homosexual makes no choice in being homosexual.

I disagree, I won't go in to detail but I think that homosexuality is a choice.

Either way Christians have a right to their beliefs like homosexuals have a right to engage in bum sex. I struggle to see how your bum sex activity has to manifest in the form of a cake. Homosexuality identity is a cultural creation.
I'm taking a step back because this whole thread is getting too heated.

You've finally been warned about your trolling have you?

I disagree, I won't go in to detail but I think that homosexuality is a choice.

Either way Christians have a right to their beliefs like homosexuals have a right to engage in bum sex. I struggle to see how your bum sex activity has to manifest in the form of a cake. Homosexuality identity is a cultural creation.

Why are all the anti-gay people so dense.

No one is forcing the Christians to support gay marriage, nothing and no one has infringed on their rights to do so. They chose to act or not act in this case on their beliefs and were rightly punished by law.

Christianity is a cultural creation also, why does that take precedence over homosexuality?
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Yes, but we know as a developed society that you are wrong. Christians do have a right to their beliefs until they effect the existence of others.

Fortunately you or other homosexuals do not speak for the whole of society. If you are want to engage in what Christians consider to be debaucherous activity you are free to do that. However expecting people to respect your choices is not reasonable, as people have different values.
I disagree, I won't go in to detail but I think that homosexuality is a choice.

Either way Christians have a right to their beliefs like homosexuals have a right to engage in bum sex. I struggle to see how your bum sex activity has to manifest in the form of a cake. Homosexuality identity is a cultural creation.

Goodness that is quite harsh.

Denying homosexuals the right to marriage is the issue here. Anything that happens behind closed doors between consenting adults is upto them.
No one is forcing the Christians to support gay marriage, nothing and no one has infringed on their rights to do so.

Expecting a christian bakers to make a cake that supports gay marriage is expecting those christian bakers to support gay marriage. That is the whole point of this threads and you would have to be in denial or dense to not realize that yet.
Fortunately you or other homosexuals do not speak for the whole of society. If you are want to engage in what Christians consider to be debaucherous activity you are free to do that. However expecting people to respect your choices is not reasonable, as people have different values.

You're on the wrong side of history. What're you going to do when homosexuality is fully protected by law and true equality happens?

Expecting a christian bakers to make a cake that supports gay marriage is expecting those christian bakers to support gay marriage. That is the whole point of this threads and you would have to be in denial or dense to not realize that yet.

You're the dense one if you think you can't separate the two. The person behind the counter accepted the order to make the cake, it's the manager/owner that then phoned up the client to say no.
Expecting a christian bakers to make a cake that supports gay marriage is expecting those christian bakers to support gay marriage. That is the whole point of this threads and you would have to be in denial or dense to not realize that yet.

The Equality Act says otherwise, if you are open to the public and providing a public service then follow the law. Simples really
Goodness that is quite harsh.

Denying homosexuals the right to marriage is the issue here. Anything that happens behind closed doors between consenting adults is upto them.

No it is not because the bakers have no power to prevent gay marriage or to prevent the gay from being gay. All they have (should have) power over was deciding what messages they will put on cakes that they make. It is the gay that are taking the denial of a message on a cake as an attack on their entire identity and rights as human beings.

In my opinion it is far worse of a thing to force a gay maker to make a cake that he does not want to, regardless of the reason. Than it is for a cake maker to refuse to make a cake with a message than they disagree with.
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