Baldur's Gate 3

In contrast BG3 poops on Diablo IV from a great height and this is despite me far preferring action rather than turn based RPGs. I have been doing the companion quests in BG3 over the past few nights and am just blown away by the character development and depth these quests have.
It's not even close. There was more depth, soul, content, tension and things to find in the opening crypt than all of the copy cat dungeons in D4. I'm coming towards the end now 100+ hours and it continues to amaze.

Two stand out things in the last play session. The house of Hope. What a fight that was! Helping Astarion. I was not a fan of his whole demeanour and personality but what an ending to his questline. The options open to him. EPIC! I hope I've made the right decisions :p
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I'm about 3 hours in and enjoying this game a lot so far. Some of the fights are pretty difficult (though randomness effects it a lot too). It's like a game from 20 years ago, when they were still really well made and had depth and required thinking. No silly micro-transactions, it's all there.

Only a couple of things annoy me. The narrator isn't great, she is no Morgan Freeman. The interface and movement can be clumsy.

I've bought only 2 other AAA games in 10 years, Witcher 3 and RDR2. The sector is just mainly trash now.
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And it's these reasons why BG3 will be the standard for quite a while I feel.

Tactician coop game had a great moment when one of the guy's got killed and then drop kicked off a platform into a chasm. :D

My solo run Dragonborn looks far more red at night in the torchlight, it overpowers a lot of the other colours but still happy how he appears.
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Ive noticed a bug this past week that the game Pauses for me whenever Astarion is attacking someone. Only for about 5 seconds but its a bit weird. Like its calculating all possibilities or something.
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Not sure if this is a bug or not.

I'm playing a rogue thief. I get two actions

My party wasn't in group mode.

I was in a cavern with some spiders (down a well) and did a ranged stealth attack from above then went back in to hide mode afterwards.

The spiders just sat there doing nothing on their turns, and I kept doing stealth attacks every turn and hiding again.

I think it's because my other party members were never revealed/discovered. Their portraits didn't come up during the battle.

I did this twice and cleared the whole dungeon solo including the matriach boss.

Am I taking advantage of the stealth system or is that a bug?

Sounds like an exploit/bug to me.
"Due to a build error causing new crashes, we’ve rolled back Hotfix 4 for the time being. We'll re-release it as soon as we’ve fixed the cause. If you’ve saved since updating, you won’t be able to load those saves until we’ve re-published Hotfix 4. Sorry about the inconvenience."

I finally had a chance to start the game last night & none of my saves are now valid!
Just had the same issue myself. They are hoping to have it sorted today, so fingers crossed.
Ive noticed a bug this past week that the game Pauses for me whenever Astarion is attacking someone. Only for about 5 seconds but its a bit weird. Like its calculating all possibilities or something.
I get the pause randomly in fights with lots of mobs and when are taking their turns, I don't have astarion in my party.

About to start act 3, think I might respec shadowheart to be more of a melee cleric rather than a tank cleric.

End of act 2 was pretty good, also enjoyed the gythanki quests.

I'm struggling with weight capacity, I guess I should take the advice of storing all named items in my camp rather than carry them...

End of act 3 I have way too many party members to choose from but I don't want to use the mod to increase party size as it might break something and it really isn't the intended way to play.
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I got the option to answer a question by rolling the dice as normal but failed the required score, so it asked me if I would like to roll again. It did this 3 or 4 times until I got the required score, is this normal? I don't recall that happening before?
Think its when you are inspired. Every time you are inspired it gives you another roll to use.
Yep, its the inspiration gained per character , you gain inspiration for doing things which are "right" for the character, which is a nice way to push people into making roleplay decisions rather than min/max/meta decisions
I got the option to answer a question by rolling the dice as normal but failed the required score, so it asked me if I would like to roll again. It did this 3 or 4 times until I got the required score, is this normal? I don't recall that happening before?

Every time you or one of your companions does an inspirational act, you get a re-roll option. Do not fall into the trap of using them on what are clearly silly choices. I am on a very late part of a companion quest and ended up with a bad ending to their quest line as I had no re-rolls.
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