ballistix dying

These came from OcUK and are from a batch i haven't heard anything bad about yet. 6x.xx

Would you mind posting the full part number etc, so I can specifically ask for them when I order, or even do a search for them to find any info??

Many thanks
Batch CL 11162.95 PN 56278

If these are from a recently turned out batch there is a good chance that it's too early to hear of them failing. Maybe in a month or two failures of this batch may be common to. I wait with anticipation!
Think I may chance it, after all I wont really loose out.. can either get them replaced, exchanged or refunded... its just an inconvenience..

Are they still the ...Z503?
Dutch Guy said:
@Dirk, do your stick run very hot?

They get no warmer than any memory i've had. It is a salient point though as it seems from what i've read that the failing modules all had heat problems.

Edit: I bought the RAM as 2x1GB individual sticks rather than as a 2GB 'kit'. I don't know if this makes a blind bit of difference to anything though :confused:
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It doesn't require matched pairs to work in dual-channel. Matched pairs are just more likely to work better together as they come off the same batch/run, and so are less likely to have performance crippling differences between the modules.
Dirk is correct, many people have any great success without going the kit route, it's a bit of a myth really. Although these days the kit's are quite often the same price as two individual modules so who cares, all swings and roundabouts.
nforce 2 boards are ultra picky about ram, my 2 1gig sticks will not run dual channel since they were bought at different times.
Chris19 said:
I think my 2GB set is going out the window got a blue screen when playing EVE and Total Annihlation. I slaped an temp probe on one and while playing Battlefield 2 they set the alarm off which was set at 45oC running at 2.8V, 2,2,2,5 1 T

Does anybody know off hand what the acceptable temp ranges of memory modules are? I was considering using some temp sensors.
I dont think its a myth, cost I have tried several "identical" sticks of 1gb ram, and none would work when in dual channel mode... but then if you buy 2x 1gig sticks at the same time, from the same batch, there is more chance they would work, but then theres no guarantee, which is what yo get with the kit...
frustin said:
my replacements turned up today. how do i know if ithey are pc4000 (that i sent back) as opposed to pc3200?

look at the sticker on the ram...

if it doesn't say the 'pc4000' or DDR500 figure let us know the rest of codes it does say. i wouldn't have thought Crucial would send you the wrong stuff though, they should confirm what they're sending when you set-up the rma...
I had my PC4000 2x1GB Sticks running stably at [email protected]@3,3,3,8 timings.

However I started having problems with random restarts so now have them running at 250mhz.

Tried to get them upto 280mhz@3v@3,3,3,8 & 3,4,4,8 timings. Windows seemed stable but S&M was having none of it.

I wonder if my sticks might be on their way out. Think I've had mine for about 3 months.
Dirk said:
Does anybody know off hand what the acceptable temp ranges of memory modules are? I was considering using some temp sensors.

Im not sure what is acceptable but it seems they are getting hotter and hotter they now hit over 50oC
Looks like I've just joined the Ballistix 2x1GB failure club,bought mine from oc'uk a few months back.I've been running them at 257mhz/2.8vdimm,my system has been stable for the most part but I have been getting periodic crashes that only occured after installing the Ballistix despite them being memtest and P95 stable.

Anyway got home from work tonight and my system wouldn't boot,I immediately suspected the ballistix was at fault so I removed it and installed a 1GB Corsair pc4000xms kit and the system booted o.k.

Will have to go through the rma rigmarole now,I suppose overclockers will be my first point of contact or should I just contact Crucial?
smit101 said:
Will have to go through the rma rigmarole now,I suppose overclockers will be my first point of contact or should I just contact Crucial?
Freephone: 0800 013 0330 and it will be arranged in a couple of minutes.
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