Band of Brothers Rewatch

Going to finish pacific this week and start a re watch of BoB.

I am surprised there hasn't been a remake of it yet. I'm not bothered about remakes of TV or films but I would be somewhat triggered if Bob was re made....

I guess it's only ~20yrs old. That doesn't really feel "remake" time, and i'm not sure what would be the point. TV Shows don't really get remade.
Just started rewatching The Pacific last night. Forgot how quickly it gets into it in the first episode. Like BoB it appears to have aged quite well, will try and watch over coming days and weeks.

One of the things MotA doesn't do in the episodes is cover some of the historical elements of the events taking place like BoB and Pacific do. Wonder why they dropped that - appreciate interviews with pilots can't be done for obvious reasons
Finally finished it.

Can’t believe I’ve never watched it before all the way through. Absolutely superb.

My wife has shown interest in Masters of the Air but might keep the Pacific to myself.

How did the camp episode hit you? The first time I saw that episode my jaw was on the floor.

Finished episode 3 on the bike on Sunday. May watch 4 tomorrow morning
How did the camp episode hit you? The first time I saw that episode my jaw was on the floor.

Finished episode 3 on the bike on Sunday. May watch 4 tomorrow morning

Was pretty harrowing as you mentioned earlier. The scene where he has to tell them all they can't have any more food/water and have to get back inside the camp and just collapses onto the bench in tears was unbelievable.
Was pretty harrowing as you mentioned earlier. The scene where he has to tell them all they can't have any more food/water and have to get back inside the camp and just collapses onto the bench in tears was unbelievable.
I was amazed how they managed to get actors looking very thin, not sure if it was effects or just the actors posture and general body build. Was a pretty ****** up episode, no idea how people could do that to others.
How did the camp episode hit you? The first time I saw that episode my jaw was on the floor.
Same. First time the show came out and I saw that soldier exit the forest clearing only to see the camp, my jaw dropped and I was in tears. I had my wife watch it about 2yrs ago and I remained quiet whilst that scene played out. She was horrified.
Was pretty harrowing as you mentioned earlier. The scene where he has to tell them all they can't have any more food/water and have to get back inside the camp and just collapses onto the bench in tears was unbelievable.

Do they cover the fact that the soldiers who first came across the camps in real life ended up killing lots of rescued people because they gave them chocolate and biscuits and their bodies couldn't cope with the rich food? Over 14,000 recued camp members were unintentionally killed that way after being rescued.
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Do they cover the fact that the soldiers who first came across the camps in real life ended up killing lots of rescued people because they gave them chocolate and biscuits and their bodies couldn't cope with the rich food? Over 14,000 recued camp members were unintentionally killed that way after being rescued.

Not directly, but they do have a doctor turn up who orders everyone to stop giving chocolate/biscuits to avoid that very scenario.
So I have never watched BOB but want to. But my partner says "its not her thing" . What could I say to here to persuade her otherwise?
My wife was the same. She watches non stop Bollywood junk, all these reality and talent shows. She watched it with me and loves the show now.

I asked her to take a time out for a few days and understand what the previous generations of this country fought for - so we could be here. Just take a timeout to understand how things used to be.
So I have never watched BOB but want to. But my partner says "its not her thing" . What could I say to here to persuade her otherwise?

The first episode from what i remember is easy going and entertaining, with likeable characters that set the mood brilliantly for what happens there on. If she doesn't like war films then you've not much chance really. But just getting her to give the first episode a go should be enough to get her watching from there on.
I started re-watching this again last night, so easily led. This must be my fifth watch. There's always bits I forget, amazingly.

I plan to then watch Pacific again, all of Masters of the Air and then Generation Kill.
The Pacific I have only ever watched it once, but Band of Brothers i try to watch at least once every year. Such a good series and nothing has ever come close & doubt ever will.
The Pacific I have only ever watched it once, but Band of Brothers i try to watch at least once every year. Such a good series and nothing has ever come close & doubt ever will.
I’ve still never finished the pacific, it just doesn’t give me that ‘one more episode buzz’ yet I can happily watch BoB over again. I found the same with the books I’ve read all the source material but the books they based the Pacific on don’t come back off the shelf but my copy of BoB is dog eared!
I put BoB on to rewatch towards the end of last year and I only managed a couple of episodes. It’s superb TV but I think I am exhausted by it. I just had no interest any more.

This is such a refreshing post to hear - yup, it’s totally OK to exhaust your interest in watching something (or doing anything, really).

Some great shows and films are ‘one and done’s.

I really don’t need to hear Dark Side of the Moon again from start to finish… I’ve truly done that one to death! It’s still great and has rousing sounds, but the appetite just isn’t there.
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