Band of Brothers Rewatch

Managed to squeeze in 3 episodes on BoB last night. All the while I was trying to work out why we keep comparing to Pacific and now MotA.
BoB actors - they all are different, each one has a personality. The actors worked with the actual men they portrayed, took on their mannerisms, how they spoke etc. The real men also told the actors that 'they didn't do that' or 'they were not in that situation' So the actors told script writers and directors that and were taken off the scene. I think that is probably the key reason why BoB is superior in every way.

The actors were the men of the 101st.

Another thing, the editing. I noticed during the parachute training they swapped between scenes in the planes and on the ground with the instructor.
Starting off the whole series 2 years in the future, Winters and Nixon talking about the weather, having a chat. Set up those two characters instantly then onto Sobel ripping everyone in training. Again, that character is set up along with 5-7 key characters, Bull, Guarnere, Perconte etc.

I think my take on this is that fact the actors worked with the real men of the 101st. that what makes this show 10/10.

Also, David Schwimmer was actually very good. Hard to swallow on the first viewing back in the day as he was Ross. After multiple viewings, that Ross character has gone and now he is just a good actor playing a great part and does it well. I actuall felt a bit sorry for him when he was told he was being reassigned to Chilton Foley.

Such a good show.
Just watched the first episode again, what a series.

23 years since it was released...I feel old.

****, I am old! :(
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This thread got me watching it again (probably 6th or 7th time) and damn episode 9 still hits ******* hard.

Without a doubt an amazing piece of television.

And the amount of oh it’s hims throughout is so cool.
I absolutely love how we are all back on the BoB train.

A testament to how good it is. Looking forward to a few episodes tomorrow!

I know it’s not related but another mini series I think some should watch, if you haven’t already, is Chernobyl.
I absolutely love how we are all back on the BoB train.

A testament to how good it is. Looking forward to a few episodes tomorrow!

I know it’s not related but another mini series I think some should watch, if you haven’t already, is Chernobyl.
Its like an yawn, you see some one do it and you do it too.

Tempted to get my Bolt Action minis out again and have a game or two. carry out some re-enactments of the series.
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