Barbie (2023)

You think I watch videos with thumbnails like that ?

Literally no clue who the guy is, just saw the thumbnail posted on social media and though it was hilarious.

So just to be clear, without knowing (or caring) whether that image was fake or real, without say checking first with a 5 second reverse image search, without trying to check in anyway that this image wasn't a spoof beforehand, you still posted it using it as an example of "youtube reactionaries" just because you though it'd be funny?

It's a good job you lucked in there and Shad hadn't changed the thumbnail otherwise you'd be looking mighty silly about now. However, it was a real image and Shad really should just stick to swords and armour because, having watched a few minutes of his "review" it's a crap one :D
Who in the hell watches Shadversity, a man who is primarily a medieval weapons & armour "historian" and re-enacter (I watched him a while back on a Katana vid), expecting a genuine review of "any" film instead of watching an actual movie reviewer? Are people taking this as a serious, actual review of the movie rather than just some random dude (still dressed in chain mail BTW) and his wife on YT giving their opinion on a film, which effectively makes it utterly worthless as an actual review?
It's hard to say who the intended audience is, but certainly his thumbnails seem to share the same sort of wording as Critical Drinker, Nerdrotic, Mr H :D

Do you think he might be trying to rip them off and steal their subscribers :eek:

So just to be clear, without knowing (or caring) whether that image was fake or real, without say checking first with a 5 second reverse image search, without trying to check in anyway that this image wasn't a spoof beforehand, you still posted it using it as an example of "youtube reactionaries" just because you though it'd be funny?

It's a good job you lucked in there and Shad hadn't changed the thumbnail otherwise you'd be looking mighty silly about now. However, it was a real image and Shad really should just stick to swords and armour because, having watched a few minutes of his "review" it's a crap one :D

Why would i think it was fake ? There are hundreds of awful channels that use thumbnails just like that, people make careers out of it.

edit: Having just checked his channel it's everything i assumed it would be
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Kermode liked it better than Oppe'er, if you watch the earlier barbie video he refers to
puts a darker slant on the new movie, body dysmorphia , eating disorders - not looking like perfect Barbie

I guess there has been a lot of marketing that has passed me by! even Google search turns pink if you search Barbie or any related terms today!

I just tried it and it works!

Right I’m just going to say it.

I will apologise if I miss gender someone as I know that’s a no no in today’s society.

Why are a bunch of men in here arguing about BARBIE!!! This isn’t your battle

Just admit it! You sneaked into your sister room when she wasn’t there and played with her Barbie Dream house, car and play sets.

Get back into the He-Man, Star Wars, LOTR, Ghostbusters and Marvel threads were you are needed.

If this film is **** I couldn’t give a hoot!

And hand me your man cards on the way out!!

Disappointed is an understatement.
Right I’m just going to say it.

I will apologise if I miss gender someone as I know that’s a no no in today’s society.

Why are a bunch of men in here arguing about BARBIE!!! This isn’t your battle

Just admit it! You sneaked into your sister room when she wasn’t there and played with her Barbie Dream house, car and play sets.

Get back into the He-Man, Star Wars, LOTR, Ghostbusters and Marvel threads were you are needed.

If this film is **** I couldn’t give a hoot!

And hand me your man cards on the way out!!

Disappointed is an understatement.

The add breaks on Discovery+ are just trailers for this movie on repeat 3 trailers squeezed in to 1.30 x4 per Gold Rush, before I wasn't bothered now I'm beginning to loathe anything to do with Barbie. Anyway well done discovery + good target audience for the add.
Watched this today.

In most ways this film is exactly as I hoped. Very silly and funny, generally well pitched… mostly a riot for the first half / two thirds. Such a breath of fresh air to what’s been coming out recently.

The film mocks women, men and the interactions between them, as well as shallow depictions of women and men. It mocks feminism and masculinity. It also ultimately promotes woman and men in all the right ways.

The film starts leaning quite heavily on themes of patriarchy around the 2/3rds mark, which is mostly very funny and I did sympathise deeply with the (very reasonably made) messages along these lines - it did generally make me feel sorry for all the BS women deal with. But I could definitely feel my own cynicism starting to creep in during this particularly ‘one sided’ stretch. The usual ‘Hollywood hates men’ squad on here will absolutely hate this section. But, I think it’s no coincidence that the super depressed person sitting by themselves in a park at one point earlier on in a film is… a man. It’s made abundantly clear at the end that everyone struggles with their place, even men.

So, if you’re a man, be prepared to be the brunt of fair and mostly hilarious teasing, with a slightly heavy handed stretch of ‘anti-patriarchy’. It doesn’t kill the mood though, some of the funniest moments are in this section… particularly a bizarre cutaway of building a wall :D

Unfortunately, the very last joke of the film is just a bit awkward and unfunny - a strange note to end on after such a solid effort!

Regardless, good stuff! 8/10
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Haven't been to the cinema for years and probably won't again but I'll definitely be watching this when it hits streaming platforms.

I used to put my Action Man figures in bed with Barbie :D
I think that's where a lot of boys went wrong, only having action men to keep each other company because it was the manly thing to do. Now they're all confused because they only played with men when they were younger so they act all manly to cover up what was clearly a homosexual upbringing :p
Watched this today.

In most ways this film is exactly as I hoped. Very silly and funny, generally well pitched… mostly a riot for the first half / two thirds. Such a breath of fresh air to what’s been coming out recently.

The film mocks women, men and the interactions between them, as well as shallow depictions of women and men. It mocks feminism and masculinity. It also ultimately promotes woman and men in all the right ways.

The film starts leaning quite heavily on themes of patriarchy around the 2/3rds mark, which is mostly very funny and I did sympathise deeply with the (very reasonably made) messages along these lines - it did generally make me feel sorry for all the BS women deal with. But I could definitely feel my own cynicism starting to creep it during this particularly ‘one sided’ stretch. The usual ‘Hollywood hates men’ squad on here will absolutely hate this section. But, I think it’s no coincidence that the super depressed person sitting by themselves in a park at one point earlier on in a film is… a man. It’s made abundantly clear at the end that everyone struggles with their place, even men.

So, if you’re a man, be prepared to be the brunt of fair and mostly hilarious teasing, with a slightly heavy handed stretch of ‘anti-patriarchy’. It doesn’t kill the mood though, some of the funniest moments are in this section… particularly a bizarre cutaway of building a wall :D

Unfortunately, the very last joke of the film is just a bit awkward and unfunny - a strange note to end on after such a solid effort!

Regardless, good stuff! 8/10
Spot on man. Thats a very concise summing up.
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