56" D-ILA HD TV for £999... which errr..
I too was looking for a rear projection set, 18 months back, however, decided that rear projection sets are a bit of a rip off. When you go from 56" to 70", they whack the price up, which makes no sense as the internal electronics are unchanged. The only difference is the casing.
As a result, I opted for a full blown front projection set instead, which gives you a substantially more cinematic feel that a smaller rear pro set can only dream of.
But anyway, back on topic...
... and like clockwork just when I thought I'd got myself some flaw free cheapo ace monitor action, it's gone all faulty on me. A line of dead (black) pixels just appeared tonight as I was playing. :/
Sorry to hear that man.
Well at least CRTs were more reliable than this monitor.