i find it strange that conservatives praise the industrial-production based economy Germany has and at the same time they praise the job Thatcher did in the 80's which was to destroy the industrial foundations of this country. She may had guts but wiping industries such as shipbuilding, automotive, steel etc was wrong and i believe it will be felt in the future.
Imagine where RR would have been if it wasnt bailed out in the 70's, now have a look where RR stands...imho Britain had historic great companies which with a little help they could still dominate, a service sector based economy is in my humble opinion fragile to a myriad of factors, a solid industrial production based economy is better
thats just my opinion
Except that these industries were all dying a death long before she came along and were already collapsing. Nobody in industry was working - they were all on strike, or being fired for refusing to strike. Can you picture coal mining being as prevalent today if Thatcher hadn't been around? I think it would be a little laughable to think it would. Health and safety expectations have moved massively improved, machinery and computing has improved to the point where a single machine can sometimes do the job of 100 men. Military ship/aircraft/vehicle building etc. has massively declined because there's simply far less need for it these days (which is good, right?).
This is life in a capitalist country, for better or worse (FAR better, in my opinion - my partner grew up in a communist state - we don't know how lucky we are in the UK). We, as workers, have to respond to demand. If the demand is not there for our expertise, we have to supply something else, to someone else. Thatcher simply came along and took a dying section of the country and cleaned it up. It was horrendously painful for those who thought their jobs were for life (they were obviously massively misguided - that was the thinking of the day, and it still continues now, sadly) and we're going through something very similar right now - people are finally starting to realise that nobody owes them a job. No job is for life, and nothing is guaranteed, ever, not even a pension. I think she was a great woman and did great things for this country and its people. Harsh things, yes, but if some politician is going to roll up and say "hi! you're going to lose your job and get less benefit from the state!" of course she's going to be unpopular. But I don't think it's the job of a Prime Minister to be popular - I think it's their job to ensure the country and its citizens are safe and prosperous, and she certainly achieved that, even though it was a huge struggle.
And, so far, Cameron and Co seem to be continuing this ideal through - we ALL resent it, because we're losing jobs and losing money, again, just as under Thatcher - but at least we're strengthening the foundations of the economy and paving the way for something that should hold firm in the long term. It's struggle like hell for a while or or end up like Greece. I know which path I'd rather my PM guided me down.