Baroness Thatcher has died.

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I just had a read of the Socialist Workers website about Thatcher. Jeez they are a bit bitter there.

What makes me laugh is Thatcher helped to free millions of people from the tyranny of Socialism in the USSR but on the Socialist Workers website they sort of forgot to mention that.
SlugForAButt, I, like the many people who were victims of Thatcher's policies hate her for what she did, not because its trendy to do so. As for being ignorant I have an Economics degree and I understood exactly what she wanted to do, namely create a vast pool of unemployed people in order to lower wages and reduce the power of unions.
I remember joking at the time that we did not need nuclear weapons as the Thatcher devistation was such that nobody would want to invade us
I graduated in 1976 and my career options were restricted by the IMF cuts so I do not have happy memories of these days either however this was mainly due to external forces (OPEC price rises, currency specualtion). On the subject of currency crises, have you forgotten about "Black Wednesday" which cost the country £3.3 billion in a few days as a result of Thatcher joining the ERM some years previously.
I watched a TV interview with James Prior (I think) and he stated that the cabinet told Thatcher that the policies were not working and she replied by cutting even further, in order to save face.
The main reason Thatcher won the elections was the split in the labour vote between Labour and the SDP. Thatcher rewarded the "Gang of Four" with knighthoods.
It looks that a similar fate may befall the tories with UKIP
I hear Thatcher just met Jimmy Saville in hell. Their conversation went like this:

Saville: What are you down here for?
Thatcher: Shafting miners
Saville: What a coincidence! Me too!
Oh really

Great restraint show by yourself there.

Yes really, there is a world of difference between public displays of celebration over the death of someone and the black humour associated with death.....

I did not celebrate or denigrate Amy Winehouse publicly or party in the streets over her death.....I did not really care about her or think that she should be given undue reverence just because she died. The same with Thatcher, I am ambivalent over her death, any black humour associated with her demise wasn't what I was quite clearly referring to, but it was the public displays of animosity and celebration over her death that I find uncalled for and unnecessary.

There is also a world of difference between the two people and the lives they led, and anyone including Amy Winehouse's family should be given a modicum of respect in their mourning period, I do not think mocking anyone's death or celebrating it in the streets is appropriate, which is somewhat different from simply not giving undue reverence or respect for a persons life, something I neither gave to Winehouse or I pointed out in the very thread you selectively quoted my statements from.

If I knew her family or friends I would extend to them my sympathies as is respectful to them.

I have not mocked her death, I simply do not think that it deserves such an outpouring of regret and faux respect as you seem to think should be granted to someone who deserves neither.

I also don't think people should be vilified for holding opinion either positive or negative about either woman, which is why I have not made comment on any of the comments in this thread, good or bad....I simply feel that public celebrations of her death (equally neither should be given undeserving respect over that of common courtesy to her family) are crass and inappropriate and do not show this country in a good light at all, and that goes for both Amy Winehouse or Margaret Thatcher.

So your point is somewhat irrelevant as I have neither shown a lack of restraint or publicly (or privately for that matter) celebrated the death of either woman.

EDIT: I would also like to say that since I found out that in life, Amy Winehouse did a lot, both financially and personally to help young homeless people and the charities that support them (and the subsequent trust in her name) my estimation of her as a person has risen, and if nothing else she deserves recognition and my respect for that. (As I said it is faux respect based simply on someone dying that I simply do not understand or support)
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As oppose to the friends of yours that saw the Police waving wage slips? Tell me, were you in the pub when they relayed that 'fact'? :)

Whole areas of Stoke's housing were built for the miners and other sections of heavy industry. Having lived in Staffordshire in several areas all my life, I can say that although it may not be 100% accurate what Dimple is saying rings true. Generally, the miners I have spoken to were paid more than most other workers (quite a lot more in some cases), although their job in many ways warranted that due to conditions and elements of danger. Secondly they did stick together as a crowd. I have worked with many ex-miners and have ex-miners in my family and it does appear from what I have been told over the years that getting down the pit was far, far easier if you had family/friends down there already. Jobs in the pit were in demand because the wages were higher. Thats not to say it was a 100% closed shop, but you know how it goes......if there is a vacancy a member of the team will normally have a son, or a nephew or a close friend that needs a job. I saw the exact same thing in the pottery industry where I worked for a few years. Said member acts as a guarantor. Makes it very hard for outsiders to get a foot in the door, wouldn't you agree? Of course that is not to say it cannot happen, but it is harder.

I also know there were mining 'communities' in Stoke. I speak to a lot of old timers and they have wonderful stories to tell. Even the not so old timers can teach you a thing or two about your local area. From the people I have spoken to over the years, it does indeed appear true that the miners were suspicious of outsiders. Partly because their lives were often at risk and they needed to trust the man at their backs. I remember working at one chaps house and he said it was like being a soldier. Brothers in arms, as it were. He also mentioned that the new lads had to prove themselves worthy, as well as other tales about the jokes they used to play on each other. Really nice chap, who had no need to lie to me, but I suppose by the logic you present unless he hands me some kind of proof I must naturally disbelieve him. But when you have people tellling you the same kind of stories from all over the county, you do have to wonder if there is credit in it, no?

Oh, and the thing about the secret service and the Army being brought in and dressed as Police, it didn't happen did it? I mean, from your posts so far I can only conclude that there is a clear lack of evidence and it therefore must be untrue. :confused:

I also have not seen the part in Dimple's posts where he said all miners in the UK were greedy? He did, however, clarify that he was speaking from his experiences in Stoke only. Perhaps he should have been a little more clear, but I certainly have had no issues with understanding he was talking about his own experiences in Stoke only.

You seem to have a beef with miners in Nottinghamshire though, or at least that is what your posts imply. Would you care to elaborate, just so there are no misunderstandings?

Also, when you say it has not been forgotten that they capitulated, who are you talking about? You? Your family? Your friends? Exactly how many people as a percentage of Scotland's/England's/Wales' miners share that view? Can you speak for them all, because that is what you appear to be doing (?). Where is your evidence? I see non presented, so your point is therefore invalid (according to your argument stance at least). Or is it the case that is the opinion held by yorself and your circle of family and friends? Hearsay and pub talk maybe?

It is easy to pick holes in what someone is saying isn't it? It must be a very strange world you live in if you cannot accept/believe anything anyone says that is contrary to your own experiences without definitive proof in the form of x, y & z to validate it. Just because it differes from your experience, it makes it no less relevant, or true. Indeed your very opening response was to call Dimple's experiences garbage.

Just who do you think you are? Furthermore, what qualifies you to assess whether his experiences are true or not?



You would do well to read this thread properly, it is documented fact that the secret services were involved, do you concede this?, or will we laugh at you floundering?, again read this thread properly, I also never said Army were used.
No he didnt say in his initial post he was speaking of Stoke only,but anyway....whilst you paint a rather soft and fuzzy picture of old guys telling you stories (yeah really lol) I for one am not stupid enough to take these tales as actual fact, yes there may be carmaraderie etc but as a concept worth alluding to in this context?,I mean seriously.
You have picked holes in nothing of mine, I said it hasnt been forgotten that Nottinghamshire miners capitulated , that is true, why would it not be?, dont claim my posts "imply" etc.
you then ask who I think I am, eh? really?, bit aggressive tbh, anyway you also ask what qualifies me to assess what the poster claimed. Firstly, what qualifies YOU to assess what I say?, anyway I feel I am allowed to doubt these spurious claims, of which none have been verified btw, imho they are local tales and hoo ha, one in particular being mining apprentices (not trades within the mines btw) earned £60 a week in 1974 LINK, I`m calling wrong on this, and if this is indeed wrong as is overwhelmingly likely we must question the reliability of the poster.
I wish bbc Breakfast would actually report something else this morning, there probably is a lot of other things going on, its very poor to spend so much time repeating everything thats ever been said about Thatcher
Late in 2002 Lady Thatcher came to Hampshire to speak at a dinner for me. Taking her round at the reception one of the guests asked her what was her greatest achievement. She replied, "Tony Blair and New Labour. We forced our opponents to change their minds."
I hear Thatcher just met Jimmy Saville in hell. Their conversation went like this:

Saville: What are you down here for?
Thatcher: Shafting miners
Saville: What a coincidence! Me too!

Oh that's good. I just almost drowned myself with my morning coffee after reading this. :D:D

The poll tax you never had to pay because it was abolished when you and I were at primary school? The poll tax is something we can look back on and decide was a pretty poor idea but its hard to see why it makes you mad given you never experienced it, like most of us here. It's like getting mad about how much tax was on alcohol in 1960 or something.
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Godwins law invoked - there goes the thread. Only took 10 pages. :(

No. Just no. NO. I have not compared Olde Thacky to Hitler. I am directly responding to Castiels meaningless statement:

Whether you love her or loathe her, she was a prominent and strong Prime Minister, she did what she thought was best for the Country and whether that was right or wrong or a mixture of both is immaterial and a question for historians and political analysts....what she and more importantly her surviving family, like anyone here deserves is a modicum of restraint and respect for just a short time during the mourning period.

Things like street parties and so on are crass and uncalled for and it brings shame on us as a nation in my opinion.

Could easily be

Whether you love her or loathe him, he was a prominent and strong Prime Minister, he did what he thought was best for the Country and whether that was right or wrong or a mixture of both is immaterial and a question for historians and political analysts....what she and more importantly her surviving family, like anyone here deserves is a modicum of restraint and respect for just a short time during the mourning period.

Things like street parties and so on are crass and uncalled for and it brings shame on us as a nation in my opinion.

Response was directly a response to Castiel, not a comparision to Hitler. Bland words applicable to anyone. Godwins law is not invoked, only your over-reaction.
No. Just no. NO. I have not compared Olde Thacky to Hitler. I am directly responding to Castiels meaningless statement:

Could easily be

Response was directly a response to Castiel, not a comparision to Hitler. Bland words applicable to anyone. Godwins law is not invoked, only your over-reaction.

I don't know which is more illustrative of your crass stupidity, the mixed genders in your 'example' or the fact that you honestly believe you're making a valid point.
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