There was no overtime, there are bonus payments and I mentioned them, there are also several payments relating to wet weather working, this is all mentioned in the byline of the article ..however how his pay is structured doesn't alter the point raised about his overall weekly average for the partial year however.
I would also point out that there is no indication which job this chap was pointed out earlier that Face workers earned substantially more than underground or surface workers for Buffetslayer points out, this is not definitive, it is however the best we have.
LOL, oops Castiel did it again, here's what it ACTUALLY says.
One of our web site viewers has kindly sent in a Pay Slip from the first week of Jan 1984. I have removed his name and check number due to his personal details. If you take all payments and deductions into account it's a poor wage for working a full week on the coal face [night shift] in wet conditions and this includes his incentive pay.