Same problem. Widespread looking at the amount of threads online about it.
Particularly bad when gliding? It only drops from 62, to 57 but it feels MUCH worse.
ATI user?
Graphics are annoying me. Highest settings (no Physx), GTX285, and I'm getting 2 problems.
1. Stuttering despite low GPU usage (I'll turn the settings down a bit see if that helps)
2. Most annoying thing ever - Is there a way to turn off the blur? It seems to be trying to emulate how the eyes focus in real life, but I think it's actually making me go blind.
I'll be looking at a character and their face is a pink blur. Oh wait, batman is looking 1mm to the left. Look at character again, wait a second, and it focuses.
It's getting to the point where I can't immerse myself in the game, I just can't see the surrounding landscape unless batman is looking directly at it.
Yes just use the launcher where you turned physx off and turn blur off. I hate blur on any games. Even though I have never seen the problem you are having with the game. But that maybe because I turned blur off before I played it
I started playing the game last night. I dont seem to be able to play the game smoothly with all the settings totally maxed out. its not unplayable, but there are some noticable slowdown moments. Guess its cause I only have one 3D card, when maxed recommends having two. Guess just below max graphics will have to do![]()
I restarted it and dropped from dx11 mode to dx9 and it still stutters a bit.
I think I might leave it a while to see if it gets patched.
Doesnt Hugo Strange know that Bruce is batman? that was the whole point of having him arrested at the start... In one of the cutscenes Im sure it proves this
EDIT: If I remember correctly he says something like "its much easier to catch bruce than to catch batman" not word for word but you get the picture
strange that people are waiting for a patch seen as in DX9 the game runs faultlessly
I am on the second case of deadshot, where his victim is near the church with riddle signs all over it, and I am standing right where I should be, but nothing is happening, only a bunch of thugs that I beat up there.
What do I do?
strange that people are waiting for a patch seen as in DX9 the game runs faultlessly
strange that people are waiting for a patch seen as in DX9 the game runs faultlessly